Categories: 2023

MP deplores silence over Azeri ban on relief supplies to Artsakh

Armenia –

Armenian opposition MP Tigran Abrahamyan has deplored the world’s silence over Azerbaijan’s blockade of relief supplies to Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh).

Azerbaijan has banned the deliveries of humanitarian cargoes to Artsakh since Thursday.

“In addition to the fact that Armenia’s gas and electricity supplies to Artsakh have been cut off for several months now, Azerbaijan has recently banned the supply of basic foodstuffs to Artsakh, causing a sharp deterioration of the humanitarian situation,” Abrahamyan, secretary of the opposition Pativ Unem faction, wrote on Facebook on Monday.

“Russian peacekeepers are negotiating with Azerbaijani officials to reopen the road connecting Armenia to Artsakh, but so far to no avail.

“The international actors, who echo Pashinyan's statement on the surrender of Artsakh to Azerbaijan at every opportunity, now remain silent,” he said.

Babken Chilingarian: