Categories: 2023

Letter: Peace in the Caucasus will take two to tango by Ambassador Varuzhan Nersesyan

Financial Times, UK
From Varuzhan Nersesyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the UK, London W8, UK
Tony Barber writes of heightened expectations for a long-term peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan (Opinion, June 1). But a closer look suggests that old _expression_ — “it takes two to tango”. Here’s why. 
Azerbaijan not only continues its warmongering rhetoric, but has also imposed an illegal blockade on the Lachin corridor for the past six months, in violation of a ruling by the International Court of Justice. It continues to occupy the sovereign territories of Armenia, abusing the non-delimited nature of the border as a pretext for pressing territorial claims; it carries out provocations on a near-daily basis; and it ultimately insists that any delimitation — and the broader conflict — be settled on its own terms. 
Even following the declaration by Nikol Pashinyan, our prime minister, on Armenia’s official recognition of Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity, Azerbaijan has not publicly reciprocated by recognising Armenia’s territorial integrity. While Armenia and the international community expect the rights and security of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to be discussed through an international mechanism, Azerbaijan threatens this vulnerable population with punishment and ethnic cleansing, while cynically promising an “amnesty” to those who would put themselves at the mercy of the Azeri central authorities. 
Finally, I would disagree with the author’s conclusion that the “reason why a settlement is within sight is that Azerbaijan has gained the upper hand in its military struggle with Armenia”. 
We need to recognise that the use of force cannot be justified, and that the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is not a territorial one, but one concerning the fundamental rights of an entire people. 
Varuzhan Nersesyan
Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the UK, London W8, UK  
Tony Barber's piece to which the Ambassador is responding to can be read at the link below:
Anna Tamamian: