Nearly 100 people injured in northern Argentina protests


YEREVAN, JUNE 21, ARMENPRESS. Nearly 100 people were injured in northern Argentina on Tuesday as protesters clashed with police in Jujuy province over a proposed ban on certain forms of demonstration, AFP reported.

Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to suppress the protests.

Tuesday's demonstration was called by groups representing Indigenous people and workers against a change to the provincial constitution that would prohibit protest-related road blockades and other "disturbance to the right to free movement of persons and the improper occupation of public buildings" in Jujuy, according to AFP.

According to media reports, 96 people – including 66 police officers – sought medical treatment in the provincial capital of San Salvador de Jujuy.

The text of the provincial constitution had initially also sought to modify Indigenous land rights, but this was abandoned at the last minute after widespread protests.

Jujuy province is governed by conservative Gerardo Morales.

On his Twitter account, Morales blamed the policies of President Alberto Fernandez and his deputy Cristina Kirchner for the "extreme violence" in Jujuy.

Fernandez retorted the Jujuy reform was at odds with Argentina's national constitution and urged the provincial government to stop its "repression."