European Parliament’s SEDE concludes visit to Armenia

  • Can Eker

The Security and Defense Subcommittee’s (SEDE) official visit to Armenia will conclude today.

The SEDE is a subcommittee of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs which oversees policies on continental defense and security, while also monitoring regional developments in non-EU states. During the four-day visit, the delegation assessed the post-war security situation in the region, as Yerevan’s peace-talks with neighboring Azerbaijan are currently at a standstill. The delegation forms part of the EU mission in Armenia (EUMA). It began last year in response to a failure to address border clashes in the South Caucasus and the Second Nagorno-Karabakh war.

Expect the SEDE’s official visit to have a direct impact on Yerevan’s foreign policy moving forward. In this framework, Yerevan will likely move further away from Russia’s influence due to Moscow’s growing ties with Azerbaijan, and its mediatory role which resulted in Armenia losing a large swath of land. Instead, Yerevan is preparing to fully embrace strategic partnership with the EU during the short-to medium term. This will bring an important strategic opportunity to the West, as it aims to curb strong Russian presence in the region by gaining a foothold via cordial diplomacy with Yerevan.