Armenian Apostolic Church makes progress on construction

June 20 2023

HAVERHILL — The excitement is growing among members of Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe as they see construction forging ahead in their new sanctuary, which church leaders hope will be ready to open for services early next year.

Since completion of the Family Life Center in 2017, members of the church have been celebrating divine liturgy in the Ermonian Hall, which also serves as a function hall.

“We’ve been working on building a sanctuary and raising money since then, but because of COVID things were tabled as our priority was to care for our people and their health and safety so many events were canceled until 2022, as COVID was ending,” said the Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalyan, pastor. “Since then our parish council decided to create a strategy for completion of a 200-seat sanctuary and last December we announced to our people that we were planning to sign and present a strategy for completion of a sanctuary.”

The church had dedicated its multi-use hall last year, naming it after the late Krikor Ermonian, whose estate provided the church with a gift of $1.5 million toward building its sanctuary.

Gyozalyan said initial exterior work on the sanctuary was completed in 2019 and interior work, part of Phase 1, includes a new HVAC system and installation of much of the electrical and lighting.

Phase 2, which begins in July, involves final electrical, dry wall, doors, ceilings, some trim work and the build-out of specific rooms, including an archive/artifact and quiet family room for infants, a bridal waiting room, a room for candles and prayer, a room for the priest, a choir dressing room and priest vestments room.

“As part of Phase 3 we are still raising funds for finish work such as painting and final trim, stained glass windows and flooring before obtaining an occupancy permit,” he said.

A symbolic signing of a covenant for construction took place on Saturday, June 10, and included a special visit by the Very Rev. Fr. Mesrop Parsamyan, primate of the Eastern diocese of the Armenian Church of America.

“As head of our diocese it was important to have his presence and for the meaning of having a sanctuary,” Gyozalyan said. “Being here physically and spiritually was important to support the completion of our sanctuary and he will return when we complete construction and will be here to consecrate our sanctuary — the final part of its completion.”

Gyozalyan noted that Parsamyan is traveling to Armenia in October to be consecrated and ordained as a Bishop, the next highest rank in the church.

“This covenant was an agreement between our church and the Godfathers of our church, each of whom represented a Saint,” Gyozalyan said about the signing ceremony. “Our church Godfathers take care of the church, are part of the services, help with church events and are involved in church life.”

Gyozalyan said his members never gave up on the idea of building a sanctuary and that some didn’t believe it would really happen while others said they had faith that it would.

Kim Dandurant, parish council chair, said there is tremendous excitement among church members that is evident during Father Vart’s prayer services.

“They cry, they pray, and they express a range of emotions about our sanctuary,” she said. “Completing this will allow us to spread our ministries even further than we’re currently able to do. And not just for Armenians, but for the community in general.

“It’s amazing to see people coming forward to donate their money, their time, and their talents,” Dandurant added. “This gives us new energy to continue our ministry with a complete sanctuary and continue our mission of educating our children and adults.”

To donate to the Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe and its efforts to complete its sanctuary visit online at, call 978-372-9227 or email [email protected].