Categories: 2023

Nagorno Karabakh asks for UN Security Council intervention over Azerbaijan’s genocidal goal of achieving depopulation


YEREVAN, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan seeks to achieve a complete depopulation of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) with its genocidal actions, the Artsakh Parliament said in a statement adopted on June 28.

The parliament said that the latest ceasefire violation – the unprovoked attack by Azeri forces in the early hours of June 28 – which left four Nagorno Karabakh troops dead, attests that Azerbaijan seeks to achieve a complete depopulation of Artsakh with its genocidal actions, with the use of military, political and economic levers, under fake agenda of peace and dialogue, and in complete disregard for calls by reputed international organizations.

The fact that this latest ceasefire violation by Azerbaijan took place amid ongoing U.S.-mediated foreign ministerial talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan is noteworthy, it added. “This certainly once again proves that these “peace treaty” talks are actually an imitation of the formation of an environment of lasting peace and stability in the region as part of so-called international efforts.”

The parliament of Artsakh expressed deep concern over the dangerous reality and made the following appeals to the UNSC, the leaders of U.S., France, Russia and Armenia.

“To the UN Security Council, the leaders of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairing countries, to take concrete practical steps aside from statements of empathy, calls and advice, particularly, apply sanctions against Azerbaijan to suppress its aggressive aspirations. We are convinced that the double-standards style of conduct further emboldens Azerbaijan and makes it more uncontrollable and unleashed. To the Russian Federation, as part of the peacekeeping mission, to take stronger measures to stop Azerbaijan’s inhumane and genocidal actions. To the delegation of the Republic of Armenia in the Washington negotiations, to immediately halt the talks until a complete ceasefire is established in the line of contact with Artsakh and the borders of Armenia, and a provision of documented guarantees on preserving it, otherwise the continuation of the talks would mean to encourage Azerbaijan’s aggressive behavior and giving it an international level privilege.”

“We bow before the memory of our four martyrs who sacrificed their lives for our homeland, and we are ready to continue their sacred mission,” reads the statement.

Azerbaijani forces bombarded Nagorno Karabakh military positions with artillery and drone strikes in the early hours of June 28.

Lachin Corridor, the only road linking Nagorno Karabakh to Armenia, has been blocked by Azerbaijan since December 2022.

The United Nations’ highest court – the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – ordered Azerbaijan on February 22 to “take all steps at its disposal” to ensure unimpeded movement of persons, vehicles and cargo along the Lachin Corridor in both directions. Azerbaijan has so far ignored the order. Furthermore, Azerbaijan then illegally installed a checkpoint on Lachin Corridor.

Emma Nadirian: