Categories: 2023

Armenian refugees and forcibly displaced people of Azerbaijan, Nakhichevan and Artsakh issue a call-alarm


YEREVAN, JUNE 30, ARMENPRESS. On the occasion of the 200th day of the blockade of Artsakh, Armenian refugees and forcibly displaced people from the Azerbaijan SSR, Nakhichevan and the Republic of Artsakh spread a call-alarm. ARMENPRESS reports, the statement of the refugees and forcibly displaced persons states that June 30 marks the 200th day of Azerbaijan's siege of Artsakh, the hostage-taking of 120,000 Artsakh residents, their survival without basic living conditions and under the threat of ethnic cleansing.

"Azerbaijan not only ignores the calls of international structures regarding the lifting of the blockade of Artsakh, including the UN International Court of Justice. the legally binding decision of February 22, according to which Azerbaijan must restore uninterrupted movement through the Lachin Corridor, but continues the practice of terrorizing the civilian population of Artsakh – a vivid example of what the said is the 4 victims of the Armenian side as a result of opening artillery fire in the direction of Martuni and Martakert in Artsakh two days ago.

At the same time, Azerbaijan also grossly violates its own commitments, including paragraph 7 of the tripartite statement of November 9, 2020, according to which displaced persons and refugees return to the territory of Artsakh and neighboring regions under the supervision of the United Nations.

As decades ago, Azerbaijan continues its consistent policy of depopulation with the threat and use of force. In 1987-1992, in the Azerbaijani SSR hundreds of thousands of Armenians were also dispossessed and became refugees, which continued by the crimes committed against the Armenians, genocidal actions, state-sponsored pogroms by the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of that policy, Armenian cultural heritage was deliberately and criminally destroyed in Nakhichevan, once populated by Armenians, but later depopulated. Artsakh is also threatened by the example of Nakhichevan.

Azerbaijan, taking advantage of the non-condemnation by the international community of its crimes committed against Armenians and the fact of the lack of legal investigation, has engaged in the implementation of the Armenian-hating, Armenian-persecuting policy with greater momentum. Currently, the situation is extremely difficult," the statement said.

Based on the above, refugees and forcibly displaced persons demand from the international community, international organizations and partner states:

To develop and take effective steps to force Azerbaijan to lift the blockade of Artsakh and stop the humanitarian disaster and fulfill the decision made by the International Court of Justice of the United Nations.

To support the realization of the right of dignified and safe voluntary return of all Armenian refugees and forcibly displaced persons, to develop mechanisms to ensure return and their physical, political and civil security, with all guarantees,

To ensure the safe and unharmed existence of the Armenian cultural heritage of the regions that have passed under the control of Azerbaijan,

Create the necessary conditions for providing compensation by Azerbaijan for the lost property of the refugees and their descendants and compel Azerbaijan to fulfill its obligation,

Along with the political processes, zealously pursue the quick and unhindered settlement of humanitarian problems.

Garo Vardanian: