Categories: 2023

"Element of a hybrid war" – a political scientist on attempted military coup in Armenia

  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Gabrielyanov on coup attempt

“Russia no longer has the resources for the hybrid war with Armenia and is reusing agents it has already used,” political scientist Ruben Mehrabyan says, commenting on a Facebook post by Russian journalist and publisher Aram Gabrielyanov.

He wrote that after the defeat of Armenia in the Karabakh war of 2020, he personally met the Chief of the General Staff Onik Gasparyan and said that “serious people from Moscow are proposing to take the army to the streets and transfer power to the provisional government.” According to Gabrielyanov, the Chief of the General Staff of Armenia replied that he would withdraw the army in the event of a “direct order.”

According to Mehrabyan, the statement of a Russian journalist recognized in Armenia as persona non grata almost three years after the end of the war proves that “Moscow is trying to strike at the current government of Armenia.”

  • Why does Russia need a consulate in the south of Armenia on the border with Azerbaijan? Opinions
  • Armenia at a crossroads: will the country leave Russia’s sphere of influence
  • “Property or money for weapons not supplied to Armenia”: about Russia’s debt

The Russian media tycoon with Armenian roots and founder of the News Media holding talked about his proposal to Onik Gasparyan. This was at a time when Gasparyan served as head of the general staff.

“I told Onik that serious people from Moscow are proposing to take the army to the streets and transfer power to the interim government. And I will provide information support. Onik replied – let Moscow give a direct order and I will withdraw the army. I said – no one will give a direct order, and with that they parted ways. Then you know.”

He concludes that Gasparyan’s cowardice made it possible to “strangle Armenia to the delight of Pashinyan and his vile clique.”

Personae non gratae in Armenia – On the banning of Margarita Simonyan and Aram Gabrielyanov, Russian journalists of Armenian origin

Political scientist Ruben Mehrabyan believes that Gabrielyanov’s statements should be treated with great reservations, given his “personal qualities.”

“Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. Explanations should be given by Onik Gasparyan himself. On the other hand, I have no doubt that, yes, Moscow’s goal was to change the government in Armenia from 2018. Do not be shy in choosing means and methods. And now, in this way, an attempt is being made to strike at the current government. This is another provocation directed against the Republic of Armenia,” he told JAMnews.

According to Mehrabyan, Moscow will continue to do everything to “defile the atmosphere”, as Russia is worried and unnerved by the position of Armenia, which:

  • invited European observers to monitor its border with Azerbaijan,
  • is negotiating with Baku in the States,
  • participates in tripartite formats with Russians without enthusiasm,
  • makes critical statements against the Russian military bloc CSTO and de facto froze its participation in it,
  • discusses the issue of ratification of the Rome Statute.

Ratification of the Statute would have grave consequences for both Russia and Armenia

According to the political scientist, the purpose of such statements is to preserve and expand the Russian “pathetic presence” in Armenia as long as possible.

“And this will be implemented exclusively through the collapse of the Armenian statehood. This is what the hybrid war that Russia has been waging against Armenia for many years and up to today is aimed at. And it will be so until Russia gives up its great imperial goals.”

Commenting on the role of Russia in the region, he recalled that a commission has been set up in the Armenian parliament to study the circumstances of the last Karabakh war. The commission invited high-ranking military officers, including Onik Gasparyan, to testify. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan also spoke here with a live broadcast of his testimony:

“In fact, all this is very unnerving for Russia, because, I have no doubt, the role of Russia in the unleashing and further course of the 44-day war will be revealed here. And this is one of the reasons why Moscow is trying to split Armenia with such statements.”


Jirair Kafian: