Categories: 2023

Exhibition: Photo exhibition celebrating Armenia and Belarus opens in Minsk

Belarus –

MINSK, 29 June (BelTA) – The photo exhibition "Armenia through the eyes of a Belarusian photographer and Belarus through the eyes of an Armenian photographer" has opened at the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, BelTA has learned.

The exhibition has been organized on the initiative of the Embassy of Armenia in Belarus with the support of the news agencies BelTA and Armenpress, with the assistance of the Belarusian Embassy in Armenia. The event is timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Armenia.

The exhibition features 100 photographs depicting nature, culture and traditions of the Belarusian and Armenian peoples. The photos were taken by Belarusian photographer Leonid Shcheglov during a trip to Armenia and by Armenian photographer Mkhitar Khachatryan to Belarus. The photographs have captured the original images of Belarusians and Armenians, their daily life, architecture and unique landscapes of the two countries.

"Today is my day, because my long-standing idea of this exhibition has come true," Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Belarus Razmik Khumaryan said at an exhibition launch ceremony. He said that he came to Belarus eight years ago and worked for six years in the CIS Executive Committee. At that time, he actively traveled around the country, visited many memorable and iconic places and sights that delighted him, and was surprised that many did not know about them. It was then that he had the idea to make an exhibition of photographs about Belarus, but not by a local, but by an Armenian photographer who would look at the country with fresh eyes. The same applies to Armenia – to be shown by a Belarusian photographer.

He noted that the historical ties between Armenia and Belarus date back about five centuries and this year's scientific conference will be devoted to this. The history of their relations as two sovereign states goes back three decades. "I hope that future generations will celebrate the tercentenary of our relations as sovereign independent prosperous states," Ambassador Razmik Khumaryan added.

In his opinion, it is very important to develop interaction between the countries at the level of interpersonal contacts of people. "Friendship of peoples, cooperation, mutual recognition, mutual understanding, mutual respect – this is the basis on which cooperation between sovereign states rests," he said.

The ambassador stressed that the foundation of strong cooperation between the two countries is their common fight against the brown plague in the 20th century. As is known, many Armenians participated in the battles for Belarus and its liberation. About 10,000 Armenians died on Belarusian soil, and 15 were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, including Ivan Baghramyan. "This is the foundation that will remain forever, and we will build our relationship based on it in memory of those people who, shoulder to shoulder, created what we have now," the diplomat said.

For her part, BelTA Director General Irina Akulovich said: "The place of strength of each of us is home. We have Belarus in our hearts, you have Armenia in yours. Each of our countries has its own flavor, style, vibes and vibrations. Of course, it is interesting to see how first comers to our country see it, what they will remember. The most important thing is that both photographers wanted to return, one to Belarus, the other to Armenia."

These photographs, according to her, depict first of all people – hospitable Armenians, good-natured Belarusians. Looking at them, it is important to understand that not only politicians, but also ordinary people can do a lot to establish relations, to promote friendship. "I am sure that those who see these photos will love Belarus and Armenia," Irina Akulovich said.

This is the third joint project of BelTA and Armenpress, she noted. An exhibition to mark the 30th anniversary of the Spitak tragedy and an exposition of Belarusian photographers in the metro in Yerevan were held earlier. "I am sure that if we admire each other, know more about each other, then everything will be fine with us. In today's world this is very important," BelTA Director General stressed.


Kanayan Tamar: