Ambassador of Azerbaijan to EU receives a warning for threats against MEPs who visited Armenia


YEREVAN, JULY 11, ARMENPRESS. The offices of the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, condemned and described as unacceptable the behavior of the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to the EU, Vagif Sadikov, who threatened the members of the European Parliament, who had visited Armenia to familiarize with the situation on the border with Azerbaijan. Vagif Sadikov was summoned to the European Service of External Relations for the threatening post made on Twitter against the MEPs.

Let's remind that Sadikov made a post on "Twitter" regarding the visit of the delegation of the European Parliament to Armenia, threatening the MEPs. He posted an image and description of an Azerbaijani-made sniper rifle with the following caption: "They know what to do protect themselves. The "Istiglal IST-14.5" sniper rifle produced in Azerbaijan has an effective fire range of about 3000 meters. Stay away from the state border of Azerbaijan…"

The topic was covered by the OC Media news platform, quoting the reactions of the EU spokesperson and the head of the delegation visiting Armenia, MEP Nathalie Loiseau, to Sadikov's post. The spokesperson of the European Union emphasized that they condemn such behavior, which is not appropriate for an ambassador accredited to the EU.

The threatening post of the Azerbaijani ambassador was also addressed by Euobserver, which spoke with Nathalie Loiseau.

Loiseau said that she has sent letters to the President of the European Parliament and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The spokesperson of the President of the European Parliament replied that any threat to the members of the European Parliament is unacceptable. "We are examining this issue," Metsola’s spokesperson said.

Josep Borel's office noted that the European External Action Service has summoned the Azerbaijani ambassador in connection with the post and told him clearly that they expect this to be the last time when Azerbaijani diplomacy will show such disrespect towards EU institutions and their representatives.

Nathalie Loiseau added that the threatening and insulting note of the Azerbaijani ambassador to the EU is not the only one addressed to the MEPS who visited Armenia, clarifying that other Azerbaijani officials also called them corrupt. Loiseau emphasized that the President of Azerbaijan also uses such rhetoric.