Categories: 2023

“It’s time to sound the alarm”: NK Armenians start an indefinite nationwide movement

  • JAMnews
  • Yerevan

Perpetual nationwide movement in NK

From 9 am in the capital of the unrecognized NKR, the first rally of an indefinite nationwide movement began. Its purpose is to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis that arose in Nagorno-Karabakh as a result of the blockade. Since December last year, the Azerbaijanis have blocked the Lachin corridor, the only road connecting NK to the outside world and Armenia. Since June 15, the import of even humanitarian goods has been banned.

On the eve of the beginning of an indefinite struggle for their rights, the State Minister of the unrecognized republic Gurgen Nersisyan invited the entire population to join the action, as it is an opportunity to “bring all the actors to their senses.”

“What are you waiting for? Do you want us to have the bodies of people who died of hunger and cold every day on this square in order to react? During the action, Nersisyan addressed this question to the international community, Russia and Armenia.

After the rally on Vozrozhdeniye Square, the rally participants went to the representative office of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the headquarters where the Russian peacekeeping contingent is stationed.

The demand was presented to the ICRC: “To transfer objective information about the current situation to international structures, without succumbing to the pressure of the Azerbaijani Armenian people that started the genocide.”

The demand to “unblock Artsakh and put an end to the humanitarian catastrophe” was made to Russian peacekeepers. The protesters intend to set up tents in front of the headquarters of the RCC and wait for the decision of the commander.

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Since June 15, Azerbaijan has stopped allowing even humanitarian cargo to enter the region, which it previously allowed to transport in a small amount. This happened after an unsuccessful attempt to hoist the Azerbaijani flag on the Khakari bridge.

At the rally, it was announced that people are surviving on internal resources, but they are not inexhaustible.

According to MK Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan, the blockade has reached a critical point and the lives of 120,000 people are in serious danger:

“Our people are under a real and undeniable threat of malnutrition, starvation, ethnic cleansing, openly carried out by Azerbaijan, forced enslavement and genocide.”

Speakers said that every day the situation is becoming more critical:

  • Azerbaijan cut off the supply of gas and electricity from Armenia,
  • communities, one by one, are deprived of the possibility of supplying drinking water to residents,
  • in the villages people have become “captives”, the only connection with the capital is telephone calls,
  • intercommunal transport flights are stopped,
  • children are not fed in kindergartens,
  • Hospital patients are given small portions of food.

“In a few days they won’t be able to go to the call of an ambulance, it will be impossible to provide people with even the most basic medicines and any medical assistance,” someone at the rally announced.

Baku accuses the Red Cross of transporting “smuggled goods”: mobile phones, cigarettes and gasoline. Criminal case initiated, BCP “Lachin” closed until the end of the investigation

The rally participants chanted appeals to the international community: “Open the road to life”, “No to the blockade of Artsakh”, “Prevent the impending catastrophe”. They brought posters with them to the action. “International recognition of Artsakh is a guarantee of regional peace and stability,” was written on one of them. On the other was the inscription “Azerbaijan took hostage 120,000 Armenians.”

Appeals were made in English and Russian to prevent ethnic cleansing and genocide of Armenians in NK.

Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan stressed that the time has come to sound the alarm. He called on

  • Russian peacekeepers: “Fulfill your obligations to ensure peace, a prosperous life, as you promised our people at the highest level”;
  • compatriots living in Armenia: “Stand up for the defense of Artsakh, do not leave the inhabitants of Artsakh alone”;
  • Armenians living outside of Armenia: “Prevent a new genocide of the Armenian people, make the world, at least this time, take responsibility for the fate of the Armenians. Everywhere they said: “We will never allow genocide again.” Make them stick to their own statements.”

The former defense minister of the unrecognized NKR, Samvel Babayan, said that it was necessary “to start a direct dialogue with Baku, establish trust, and then discuss other problems.” Commentary on Babayan’s statements

According to the Ombudsman, such statements have been made in recent months by various international actors.

“But while fears and concerns are being expressed in words, 120,000 people are being subjected to inhuman hardships. It is one thing to talk about human rights in beautiful and luxurious halls, it is another thing to prove the protection of these rights by practical steps. It is time to stop talking and start taking urgent and concrete actions to prevent the tragedy in Artsakh.”

On June 15, Azerbaijan banned not only the movement of people, including patients in need of specialized medical care, but also the import of humanitarian goods.

The Ombudsman also touched upon the status of the region and the right to self-determination:

“Artsakh has earned the right to self-determination. The high price paid in all the Artsakh wars, the suffering for 7 months of blockade are shocking facts confirming that we cannot live as part of Azerbaijan.

Let everyone who still has illusions about this answer the question: was it possible to imagine the life of the Jews in Nazi Germany? Yes, Azerbaijan is the same Nazi country, whose society is completely saturated with hatred and enmity towards the Armenians.”


Jirair Kafian: