Categories: 2023

Azerbaijan opens fire 4 times in a week at Nagorno Karabakh farmers


YEREVAN, 17 JULY, ARMENPRESS: On July 10-17, Azerbaijan violated the Nagorno Karabakh ceasefire 4 times by opening fire at the farmers working in the fields, the Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh) police said in a statement on July 17.

The operational inspector of the Getavan department reported that on July 17 between 10:20 and 11:00 a.m., a resident of Charektar village heard gunshots in the direction of his house. Shootings continued in the direction of the village and as a result gardening work was stopped. On July 13, the Martuni regional police department was reported that at 5:40 p.m. Azerbaijani armed forces opened fire in the direction of the farmers working in 3 combine in "Amaras Valley", as a result of which the agricultural work was stopped. On July 14, at 7:20 p.m., Martuni regional department was reported that mortar fire was used from Azerbaijani military positions near the Machkalashen village in the direction of agricultural fields. On July 15, at around 09:50, a. m. Shosh department of the Askeran regional police department was reported that farmer working on his tractor in the village of Verin Sznek came under Azerbaijani small arms fire and was forced to stop the work.

Nyrie Kalashian: