Categories: 2023

Russia Stresses Restoration of Normalcy in Nagorno-Karabakh Region

TASNIM News Agency
Iran –
  • July, 18, 2023 – 11:30 
  • World news 

Holding discussions regarding the situation in the South Caucasus, the Russian diplomat has expressed his country’s willingness to organize a tripartite foreign ministers' meeting to implement top-level agreements, which could potentially lead to a peace treaty, BNN reported.

Russia has taken a proactive role in the South Caucasus, leading efforts to strengthen the fragile peace between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia, particularly in the contentious Nagorno-Karabakh region.

During the meeting, both sides emphasized the urgent need to swiftly unblock the Lachin Corridor in accordance with the trilateral declaration made on November 9, 2020. The Lachin Corridor, a vital transportation link between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, has been a subject of dispute in the region. Unblocking it is seen as a significant step towards restoring peace and normalcy.

The restoration of traffic flow in both directions through this crucial corridor will facilitate the movement of goods, services, and interpersonal relationships. It will serve as a cornerstone for economic and social recovery in this tense region, and it is a crucial precondition for the return of normal life in Nagorno-Karabakh.

Convening this tripartite meeting could signify a significant diplomatic leap, potentially leading to a summit involving the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia in Moscow. The summit would ideally conclude with the signing of a peace treaty, solidifying the commitments made by all parties to foster lasting peace in the South Caucasus region.


Jirair Kafian: