European Parliament Body Calls on Turkey to Recognize Armenian Genocide

European Parliament

The European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee on Tuesday called on Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide. This was reflected in the group’s report on Turkey, which will be presented to the entire European Parliament for approval.

The committee’s call for Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide was made “in order to pave the way for real reconciliation between the Turkish and Armenian peoples,” the report said.

The report also appealed to Turkey to completely fulfill its obligations to protect the Armenian cultural heritage.

The report noted that the committee supports the normalization of relations between Armenia and Turkey based on the interests of reconciliation, regional stability and security.

“The committee calls for the speedy implementation of the arrangements of the special representatives of Armenia and Turkey, such as the reopening of the airspace and the border between the two countries, and welcomes the progress made so far, noting with satisfaction the attendance of Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to the inauguration ceremony of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” the report added.