Categories: 2023

Plans to Open International Robotics Center in Armenia

Fagen wasanni


A proposal to establish an international robotics center in Armenia has gained significant support from Dr. Karen Eguiazarian, a professor of Signal Processing at Tampere University in Finland. Dr. Eguiazarian, who attended the annual conference of the Armenian Society of Fellows (ASOF) in Dilijan, believes that this initiative can address the pressing challenges faced by Armenia in the aftermath of the 2020 Karabakh war.

The ASOF, which consists of 253 scholars, scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs of Armenian descent from around the world, aims to elevate Armenia’s educational and research institutions to a global level. Recognizing the need for immediate action, the organization has made the decision to open an international robotics center in Armenia as early as this fall.

One of the key areas that Dr. Eguiazarian identifies for development is the research sector, especially in information technology (IT). He emphasizes the importance of pragmatism and the application of research to address Armenia’s existing problems and support its economy. Dr. Eguiazarian believes that the establishment of the robotics center will facilitate the integration of knowledge from ASOF members and Armenian universities, fostering collaboration and innovation.

The scientist envisions Armenia becoming a regional leader in robotics, building upon its historical contributions during the Soviet era. He highlights the need to reverse the brain drain that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union, calling for the return of Armenian scientists who have studied abroad, particularly in the field of robotics. Dr. Eguiazarian stressed the interdisciplinary nature of robotics, which can play a crucial role in the advancement of artificial intelligence.

Drawing inspiration from Finland, a country with similarities to Armenia in terms of population and lack of oil resources, Dr. Eguiazarian suggests that Armenia can follow Finland’s model of focusing on human resources development. The IT sector in Armenia has the potential to drive scientific and research advancements, aligning with Western standards. By establishing the robotics center and the planned Center for Economic Research, the ASOF aims to facilitate positive changes in Armenia’s scientific and economic landscape.

To achieve their goals, the ASOF members are encouraged to contribute their knowledge and expertise to the project by dedicating one or two months each year to work in Armenia. This collaboration between international experts and local talents is expected to stimulate the growth of the robotics sector and propel Armenia as a research and innovation hub.

In summary, the ASOF’s proposal to establish an international robotics center in Armenia has gained enthusiastic support from Dr. Karen Eguiazarian. He believes that this initiative can address Armenia’s challenges and elevate its research institutions to global standards. By focusing on the IT sector and leveraging the expertise of ASOF members, the center aims to position Armenia as a leader in robotics and foster economic development. Drawing inspiration from Finland, the ASOF seeks to emulate its success in human resources development. The establishment of the robotics center and the planned Center for Economic Research are crucial steps towards realizing this vision.


Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS