Categories: 2023

Asbarez: Homenetmen 46th Navasartian Games & Festival a Triumphant Success

The Homenetmen Marching Band enters the field to kick off the Closing Ceremonies

After months of competing with athletic spirit, at midnight on July 9, the Homenetmen Western Region’s 46th Navasartian Games & Festival ended triumphantly under the chairmanship of Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjians.

The impressive closing ceremony of the Navasartian Games was held over the weekend, bringing together community members to Birmingham Community Charter High School where the attendees relived the glorious history of the Armenian people, enjoyed listening to the sounds of Armenian and ethnic music, and witnessed the achievements of our young people. They also watched the parade of Homenetmen scouts and athletes and the presentation of the championship cups with pride.

Mr. & Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjians served as chairs of the 46th Navasartian Games

The climax was the Victory Parade of the Navasartian Games & Festival, which took place on the evening of Saturday, July 8 at the stadium of Birmingham Community Charter High School and was attended by a large number of Homenetmen members, parents, supporters and representatives of various organizations.

Manuel Marselian, the 2023 Exemplary Homenetmen Member

Th medals to the athletes of Homenetmen Hrashq chapter were presented in the presence of Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan, honorary presidents, as well as exemplary members of Homenetmen and the Regional Committee. During the ceremony, The Prelate offered his blessing to the athletes of Homenetmen Hrashq and their parents, and highly appreciated the representatives and their commendable activities. Afterwards, he made a generous contribution of $10,000 on behalf of the Western Prelacy for the activities of Homenetmen Hrashq.

The Master of Ceremonies was Alik Marselian, who is one of the members of the Homenetmen Pasadena “Azadamard” Chapter and who hosted the program in Armenian and English.

Passing of the Torch: Last year’s honorary chairs, Ara and Aline Tchaghlassian were recognized

At 6 p.m., the representatives of Homenetmen USA Western Region led by Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan, Honorary Presidents of Homenetmen’s Navasartian 46th Games & Festival Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjians, Exemplary Homenetmen Member Manuel Marselian, and Chairman of the Regional Committee Hagop Tufenkjian to the stadium and to their seats at the platform of honor.

Among the attendees of the closing ceremony were Armand Kilidjian, a member of the Homenetmen Central Committee, Honorary Presidents of Homenetmen’s Navasartian 45th Games & Festival Mr. and Mrs. Ara and Aline Tchaghlassians, and pastor of the Holy Martyrs’ Church Senior Rev. Razmig Khatchadourian. Among other attendees were former honorary presidents of Homenetmen, exemplary members, supporters, as well as sponsors, donors and parents.

Western Prelate Bishop Torkom Donoyan Homenetmen Region Executive chair Hagop Tufenkjian Homenetmen Central Executive Member Armand Killidjian

Homenetmen Regional Executive Leader Charlene Guzelians was given the signal by Regional Executive Chairman Hagop Tufenkjian to commence the ceremony, following which she invited the flag beares. Homenetmen’s Marching Band entered the stadium and exhilarated the audience with the sounds of joyful Armenian songs. The attendees got more excited when the group of flag bearers of the Homenetmen walked into the stadium with self-confidence, bringing with them the national flags of the United States, Armenia, Artsakh, California and Nevada, as well as the flags of Homenetmen and the Navasartian Games & Festival.

At the onset of the program, the attendees honored the memory of late Homenetmen members, especially veteran member, Chairman of the Committee for the Navasartian Victory Parade, Steve Artinian, whose sudden death last month shocked the entire Homenetmen family.

In his welcoming remarks, the chairman, Hagop Tufenkjian, delivered Regional Executive’s message.

“Throughout the 105 years of its existence, Homenetmen has served as the great citadel for presenting the national identity to Armenians in all four corners of the globe. Today, we have gathered to celebrate the Navasartian 46th Games and Festival. Homenetmen has been the eternal flame for Armenians of the diaspora and the homeland. Homenetmen plays a unique role not only in sports, but also in education, scouting activities, and cultural domains,” Tufenkjian.

Afterwards, exemplary member of Homenetmen’s Navasartian 46th Games & Festival, Manuel Marselian, was invited to the stage to receive the “Exemplary Member of the Homenetmen – 2023” plaque as a token of appreciation for his dedication to Homenetmen and his invaluable efforts. Hagop Tufenkjian highly appreciated the contributions of the “Exemplary Member,”stating the following: “ Manuel has been a meritorious member of Homenetmen and has contributed to the organization for decades. He has served this union and held several positions with his dedicated activities and conscientious deeds.”

Expressing his words of gratitude in two languages, Manuel Marselian said the following: “I would like to express special gratitude to my dear family, whose love and encouragement helped me work for this wonderful organization with more vigor throughout all these years. Finally, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Homenetmen USA Western Region’s Regional Committee for granting me the title of Exemplary Member of the Homenetmen.”

With a long round of applause, Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjians headed toward the stage where they were greeted by Honorary Presidents of Homenetmen’s Navasartian 45th Games & Festival Mr. and Mrs. Ara and Aline Thaghlassians, who officially assumed the honorary chairmanship of Homenetmen’s Navasartian 46th Games & Festival.

On behalf of the large family of Homenetmen, Hagop Tufenkjian congratulated the Youredjians and highly appreciated their love for the nation and their spirit of dedication, stressing the following: “Mr. and Mrs. Jack and Zarig Youredjians have left their permanent mark in the entire Armenian community with their generous contributions, assistance and humanitarian services. The main purpose of the Youredjians has been to support young Armenians and help improve their lives.”

Assuming his responsibility, Jack Youredjian, on behalf of himself and his wife, expressed gratitude to the Homenetmen Regional Committee and the large family of Homenetmen and conveyed his heartfelt message by recalling the days when he was a cub scout in Jerusalem: “Homenetmen has played a major role in our lives, guiding us on the right path and helping all those who have been in need of help. If you know me, you know that my greatest joy is to work with young people, students and scouts like you all.” Youredjian also congratulated all the parents who had come to encourage and support their children, and he applauded the exceptional activities that Homenetmen carries out on all continents of the globe.

Prelate Donoyan, offered his blessings, as well as highly appreciated and encouraged the blessed activities of Homenetmen for the sons of the Armenian nation and emphasized the following: “Indeed, to talk about Homenetmen means to talk about the youth of our nation. To talk about Homenetmen means to talk about our nation’s healthy, conscientious leaders of the future. To talk about Homenetmen means to talk about the safety network that it offers to the youngest representatives of our nation under its blessed roof. To talk about Homenetmen means to talk about Armenia’s integrity, starting from Artsakh and ending with Western Armenia and Cilicia.”

“Out of all the activities that the Homenetmen carries out at different levels, for me, as leader of the Western Prelacy and an Armenian clergyman, the major activity is the establishment of Hrashq for children in need of special care. Homenetmen grew stronger, became more integral and became a much more national and Christian organization thanks to the vision that children with special needs should be gathered and referred to as “Hrashq” (Miracle); Homenetmen makes a miracle for our people and the community, with the power of God. Long live Homenetmen, and the free, independent, united Armenia, Amen,” added the Prelate in closing.

Afterwards, on behalf of the Homenetmen Central Committee, Armand Killidjian conveyed his congratulatory message in which he praised the Regional Committee, the Chapters and the Regional Committees, which helped make sure the Navasartian 46th Games & Festival end successfully. He also expressed gratitude to the athletes and scouts who always maintained Homenetmen’s high standards during the Games and in the implementation of activities.

The impressive messages were followed by the long-anticipated parade, which served as the major axis of the ceremony. Next, the “miracles” of Homenetmen Hrashq entered the stadium to the sounds of Armenian music performed by Homenetmen’s Brass Band, followed by the Chapters, along with their scouts, sport and parent committees and departments. In the end, the scouts participating in the All-Homenetmen 12th Scouting Jamboree, which kicked off on Friday in in Byurakan, Armenia, entered the stadium. They walked proudly and with self-confidence, greeted the attendees with pleasure and took their seats at the stadium.

Information about every Chapter was presented on the state-of-the-art screens placed on the stage. This year also marked the 5th anniversary of Homenetmen Hrashq, the 30th anniversary of the Crescenta Valley Shant Chapter, the 40th anniversary of the San Diego Sevan Chapter, the 45th anniversary of the Glendale Ararat Chapter, the 50th anniversary of the Fresno Sassoon Chapter and the 55th anniversary of the Los Angeles Chapter.

The championship cups were presented on Sunday, July 9 on the specially designed victory stage, across from the main gymnasium, where the winning teams and athletes proudly received their cups and medals.

On Sunday, California State Senator Anthony Portantino visited the venue for the Festival and expressed his congratulatory remarks to the Homenetmen Regional Committee for successfully holding the Navasartian Games & Festival this year as well.

As in years past, Homenetmen’s Chapters hosted food booths, with all proceeds being allocated to chapters.

The Mistress of Ceremonies for the Navasartian festive entertainment program was Los Angeles Chapter Executive member, Taleen Apanian. The attendees enjoyed performances by popular artists of the community, including Tigran Asatryan, Sarina Cross, Greg Hosharian and his band, Andre, Vache Amaryan, Joseph Krikorian, Vartan Taimazian, Mer Hovo and Kristine Pepelyan. Armenian patriotic singer Koko Tutunjian entertained the attendees with a selection of songs, and the event concluded with a fireworks display that was as impressive as the musical performances.

Results of the General Arrangement of the Homenetmen 46th Navasartian Games & Festival:

A. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter
B. Homenetmen Shant Chapter

A. Homenetmen Kars Chapter
B. Homenetmen Los Angeles Chapter
C. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter

A. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter
B. Homenetmen Ani Chapter
C. Homenetmen Kars Chapter

A. Homenetmen Ani Chapter
B. Homenetmen Masis Chapter
C. Homenetmen Sipan Chapter

A. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter
B. Homenetmen Masis Chapter
C. Homenetmen Azadamard Chapter

A. Homenetmen Masis Chapter
B. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter
C. Homenetmen Los Angeles Chapter

A. Homenetmen Ararat Chapter
B. Homenetmen Shant Chapter
C. Homenetmen Masis Chapter

Arbi Tashjian: