Categories: 2023

Armenia: “The International Community Must Take Measures To End The Siege Of Nagorno-Karabakh”

In July 15, I met the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliev. This meeting with the Azerbaijani President is the latest in a series that has taken place over the past four months, in different forms and in different capitals. Armenia has proven by its actions that there is a real will on the part of the Armenian government and people to establish lasting peace in the region.

We firmly believe that a lasting peace in the South Caucasus can have significant global benefits. In recent years, Armenia has become a stable democratic country in a complex region. Geographically, we are a strategic crossroads.

If we succeed in advancing peace, normalizing relations with our neighbors and establishing strong transport and energy infrastructure, local prosperity will be increased, links between Asia and Europe strengthened, global trade and international stability greatly enhanced.

Although the contours of a peace agreement are emerging, there remain significant obstacles to its realization. These stumbling blocks, which have persisted for a decade, can only be overcome with the support of partners who truly believe in peace in the South Caucasus.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribersNagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan blocks the vital axis linking the enclave to Armenia

At present, the main obstacle to peace is constituted by the aggressive and illegal actions of Azerbaijan around Nagorno-Karabakh, in particular in the Lachin corridor, but also within the borders of Armenia. The Lachin Corridor is the only road that connects Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians to the outside world.

Since December 2022, access to this corridor has been severely restricted by Azerbaijan, citing environmental concerns. Today, Baku has gone up a notch by installing a border checkpoint at the entrance to the corridor, even preventing access for the International Committee of the Red Cross. The supply of food, medicine and basic necessities is seriously disrupted.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the European Parliament, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and other international institutions have warned of the ongoing humanitarian crisis. In addition to blocking access to people and vehicles, Azerbaijan deliberately obstructs gas and electricity supplies to Nagorno-Karabakh.

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Eduard Nalbandian: