Categories: 2023

Azerbaijani Press: Weapons being transported from India to Armenia: things heating up in South Caucasus

Trend, Azerbaijan
July 26 2023
Tahmaz Asadov

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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 26. A footage of a convoy moving from the Norduz border checkpoint (Iran) to Armenia has been recently released, Trend reports.

The transported cargo was tented to guise its designation. However, it's clear that the cargo transported from Iran to Armenia is for military purposes and has already been delivered to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.

The cargo was sent from India, with which Armenia has recently been rapidly increasing military-technical cooperation. According to open sources alone, a military contract worth over $400 million has been signed between Armenia and India. There are enough other facts confirming that this cargo comes from India. So, since February of this year, many meetings have been held between Armenia and India with the aim of military cooperation and the supply of weapons. Now, apparently, India has stepped up its activities.

The footage has also clearly shown that Armenia actually began to quickly arm itself with weapons and military equipment. Apparently Delhi didn't take very seriously Baku's warnings to refrain from steps that could lead to the rearmament of the Armenian armed forces and the revival of the Armenian leadership's illusion about possible revenge.

The footage reflecting the rapid arming of Armenia through various channels also shows that the installation of a border checkpoint by Azerbaijan at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road was a very thoughtful and strategically important decision. This means that the checkpoint will prevent delivery of part of munitions and military equipment, possibly transported from India through the territory of Iran to Armenia, to the remnants of the so-called "regime" in Azerbaijan's Karabakh, or further provision of the so-called "regime" with this military equipment by Armenia's leadership (as it was before the establishment of "Lachin" border checkpoint when this territory was controlled by Russian peacekeepers temporarily deployed in Azerbaijan in accordance with trilateral statement signed by Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian leaders following the 2020 second Karabakh war).

However the fact is that today Armenia, even if it wants to, won't be able to transfer these weapons to Karabakh. This is due to the fact that on the basis of the timely decision of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, this border checkpoint was established at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road, which didn't allow Armenian separatists in Karabakh to strengthen for new military provocations with a view to revenge, and this means that "cargo" of this type won't be delivered to any separatists.

The processes give reason to assert that Armenia isn't at all sincere in its peaceful rhetoric towards Azerbaijan. Armenia's leadership should keep in mind the ending of the second Karabakh war, since history may repeat itself once again.

It's not at surprising that the supplies go through Iran. Despite that the clerical regime has long remained out of international relations, New Delhi is not worried over this at all. Nothing personal – just geopolitical interests. The regime of mullahs, which has been claiming for 45 years that it protects the interests of the world's Muslims and advocates fraternal ties with Azerbaijan, has long fraternized with Armenia. Therefore, in any issue regarding Azerbaijan, it supports Armenia. No matter how hard Iran tries to behave like a saint, it still cannot hide its true face.

In order to prevent the transportation of manpower, ammunition, mines, as well as other military equipment from Armenia for illegal Armenian armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan (which weren't withdrawn contrary to the trilateral statement signed by Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian leaders following the 2020 second Karabakh war), and as an adequate response to the unilateral establishment of a checkpoint by Armenia on the border with Azerbaijan on April 22 at the entrance to the Lachin-Khankendi road contrary to the trilateral statement of November 10, 2020, on April 23 at 12:00 (GMT+4), the units of the State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan set up a border checkpoint in its sovereign territories, on the border with Armenia, at the beginning of the Lachin-Khankendi road.

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS