Categories: 2023

Food for Longsuffering Christians in Besieged Nagorno-Karabakh

July 27 2023

Can You Help Send Aid to Christians and Alleviate the Growing Humanitarian Crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh?

“A few days ago in the Martakert region, two children in one of the villages drowned in search of food. Pregnant women have already been registered as children not born due to malnutrition.” This was just the beginning of Bishop Vrtanes Abrahamyan’s speech at a rally in Yerevan on July 25th.

Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian Christian region within the territory of Azerbaijan, has been cut off from Armenia for over seven months. Azerbaijan began its blockade of the Lachin Corridor, the only land route linking Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, in December 2022.

The Bishop continues, “We have cases of premature death, problems with transport and lack of medication; many patients, especially those whose life depends on the periodicity of blood from dialysis, literally wait to see when they will die. What else is needed to realize the seriousness of the situation?”

Conditions continue to worsen in Nagorno-Karabakh, with many suffering from malnutrition due to shortages, with some even dying while they wait in line for what little food is available [Image credit: Artsakh Information Center]

A call for aid in this life-and-death moment

“We are receiving alarming news from [Nagorno-Karabakh] on a daily basis. 120,000 of our brothers and sisters continue to live the hardships of the illegal blockade by Azerbaijan,” said Bishop Hovakim Manukyan in a recent email to the Diocese of the Armenian Church of the UK and Ireland.

Praise God that Barnabas has been active in providing aid to suffering Christians since the blockade began. Through your generosity and God’s provision, we have been able to get aid into the region, delivering 200 tons of food and other aid, as well as supporting livelihoods through livestock so Christian villages can support themselves.

Food is desperately short, especially in the cities. Can you help? [Image credit: Marut Vanyan]

The need is still growing, especially in urban areas. Those in villages have their agricultural livelihoods, but those in the cities are desperately short of supplies. While the blockade and harassment from the Azerbaijani military persists, please pray for those who are struggling to survive in this trapped region.

If you can give a gift to help as well, thank you.

Giving any amount, large or small, will give hope to our suffering brothers and sisters in Nagorno-Karabakh, by providing essentials such as lentils, beans, rice, oil, flour, salt, sugar, and powdered milk for infants as well as soap, laundry detergent and toothpaste.

$20 could provide 22 lbs of food and hygiene essentials

$30 could provide 33 lbs of food and hygiene essentials

$100 could provide 110 lbs of food and hygiene essentials


Toneyan Mark: