Fifty Shades of Aliyev’s Assistant, Hikmet Hajiyev

Since the day of Azerbaijan's creation, lies and forgery have been the foundation of this fictitious statehood, endowed with the psychology of a thief and a criminal, the political and public figures of that "No-country" have oppressed their own people for years, waged expansionist wars with neighbouring states, and misled the international community.

One of the new but noteworthy propagandists of this phenomenon is a demented and insane Himket Hajiyev, the assistant to the president of Azerbaijan. Hajiyev stands out among his fellow criminals due to his cosmic stupidity. From his publications and public speeches, it is evident that we are dealing with a pathetic copy of a demented personality, which occasionally exhibits human reflexes.

Hajiyev was appointed to his position in 2019. Though a relatively short period, it was enough for Himket Hajiyev to reveal his lack of qualities.

Now let's not dwell on the trivial details, like his speeches during the COVID epidemic, which were peppered with cheap and misleading statements, and false information about his personal life. By the way, Azerbaijan is one of the few countries that have not yet lifted restrictions related to the epidemic, such as closed borders. Some experts interpret this not as a caring attitude towards their own public, but as another lever to ensure the manageability of the new expansionist war.

Hajiyev's first significant lie appeared during the 44-day war in 2020. At that time, he published a picture from near the Mingechauri reservoir, claiming that Armenian artillery had tried to hit the reservoir. But the picture showed a projectile embedded in the ground, and even without special technical means, it was visible that the projectile was literally nailed into a pre-dug hole.

The obvious forgery received a great response in both the Armenian and international press. The forgery was quickly exposed.

During the same period, Hajiyev also accused the Greeks because of participation in the war by Armenians. During his briefing on October 2, 2022 Hajiyev announced that there were Greek mercenaries in the territory of Armenia. This statement was also patently false and unsubstantiated. This brazen forgery found a great response in Greece, and public circles strongly criticized Himket Hajiev, labeling him a liar.

After these shameful incidents, the assistant to the President of Azerbaijan went underground for some time, trying to escape the negative attention surrounding his person. Even then, he did not stop taking an active part in political processes, promoting obviously false and misleading theses, which were, however, aligned with Azerbaijan's state politics and not Hajiyev's personal views.

Hajiyev's next fiasco occurred in early December 2022, during the blockade of the Lachin Corridor.

At the beginning of the blockade, Hajiyev accused Russian peacekeepers of blocking the corridor. At this stage, the pearls of the flight of Hajiyev's thoughts were presented to us with this emphasis. Additionally, Hajiyev claimed that Azerbaijani environmentalists were carrying out a peaceful protest action. It was clear from the beginning, and later confirmed, that the goal of that peaceful protest was to completely blockade the Lachin Corridor.

Months later, in an interview with another media, Hajiyev claimed that the Corridor was not blocked at all, as stated by the Armenian side, on the contrary, he argued that the Lachin Corridor remained open for the transportation of humanitarian goods and people, supporting his claim with unsubstantiated statistical data.

Perhaps the listed examples are enough to form an opinion of Himket Hajiyev, nevertheless, as you know, perfection knows no bounds, even if it is about perfection with a negative sign.

Another controversy arose on July 26 when the Government of the Republic of Armenia sent trucks loaded with humanitarian cargo to alleviate the basic needs of our compatriots who had been blockaded in Nagorno Karabakh for 8 months. However, the vehicles did not reach Stepanakert, as the Azerbaijani authorities prohibited the transportation of humanitarian goods through the Lachin corridor.

By the way, the trucks are still located in the area adjacent to the village of Kornidzor in the Republic of Armenia, near the criminal Azerbaijani so-called Lachin check point.

On the same evening of July 26, when RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan wrote on his Twitter page that we cannot turn a blind eye to the situation in which the Armenians of Nagorno Karabakh found themselves, and the 360 tons of cargo were sent to Nagorno-Karabakh exclusively for humanitarian purposes, at that time Himket Hajiyev wrote a shameful comment on the same Twitter, attaching Nikol Pashinyan's statement. Hajiyev claimed that during the tripartite meeting of Charles Michel, Nikol Pashinyan, and Ilham Aliyev in Brussels, an agreement was reached that the Aghdam-Stepanakert road should be used as an alternative to the Lachin Corridor.

This completely false, vile, and misleading claim was immediately rejected by European officials. Hours later, the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, issued a statement stating that the Aghdam-Stepanakert road cannot be an alternative to the Lachin Corridor and that the corridor must be unblocked immediately.

In fact, Hajiyev's next lie has already affected Armenian-Azerbaijani relations and entered the international arena. He has been accused of spreading blatantly false information to discredit European politicians in an attempt to involve them in his manipulative actions.

By Editor-in-Chief “Respublica Armenia” newspaper Ararat Petrosyan.

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS