Categories: 2023

Representatives of humanitarian organizations visit Kornidzor

 16:11, 4 August 2023

KORNIDZOR, AUGUST 4, ARMENPRESS. Representatives of a number of humanitarian and children’s rights organizations operating in Armenia have visited the border area of Kornidzor, where humanitarian aid trucks intended for Nagorno-Karabakh are still blocked. 19 trucks with 361 tons of humanitarian aid sent by the Armenian government, as well as 2 trucks loaded with confectionaries from the candy-producer "Grand Candy", continue to stand in the border area of Kornidzor, near the entrance to the Lachin Corridor, because Azerbaijan prohibits their entry into Nagorno-Karabakh.

The representatives of the organizations are accompanied by the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of Armenia, Anna Zhamkochyan.

“We consider this an act of genocide. The object of our concern are the 30,000 children who live in Artsakh and are currently deprived of food and medicine. Families are separated. All children's rights have been violated, and it is our expectation that this issue will be resolved as soon as possible, and measures will be taken to open the corridor,” Knarik Garamfilyan, the president of the Armenian Child Protection Network (CPN) said during an interview.

Mira Antonyan, the representative of the Child Protection Center of the “Fund for Armenian Relief” noted that their organization is a member of the Eurochild organization where specialists who deal with child protection issues are united.

"We are extremely concerned, and we want to inform our international partners and ask them to knock on all possible doors, to deliver the messages that 30 thousand children cannot starve in broad daylight, in front of the eyes of the world. The children of Artsakh have the same rights and opportunities as all the children of the world," Antonyan said.

Bedik Zaminian: