Categories: 2023

Nagorno-Karabakh expects int’l community to move from words to action to end crimes committed by Azerbaijan

 14:17, 5 August 2023

YEREVAN, AUGUST 5, ARMENPRESS. The Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on all concerned states, international organisations and other actors to move from words to action in order to put an end to the international crimes committed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh and its people.

In a statement released on August 5, the Nagorno-Karabakh foreign ministry said that the prevention of genocide is an erga omnes obligation, which requires every State to take active and continuous efforts to prevent the commission of such crimes.

Below is the full statement released by the Nagorno-Karabakh foreign ministry:

“We attach great importance to the calls made at the highest level by the United Nations, the European Union, the Council of Europe and other respected international actors for the immediate lifting by Azerbaijan of the illegal blockade of the Lachin Corridor. At the same time, it is evident that such appeals have no impact whatsoever on the leadership of Azerbaijan, which, in a climate of impunity and complete lack of accountability, continues its genocidal policy and subjects 120 thousand people of Artsakh to starvation, creating unbearable living conditions for them.

“In their statements and calls periodically made by international structures, organisations and individual states, all of them without exception have acknowledged the fact of the unlawful blockade of the Lachin Corridor and emphasised the need to restore the freedom of movement along the corridor. However, no specific and effective measures are being taken in this direction. Meanwhile, the humanitarian catastrophe and human rights crisis in the Republic of Artsakh are deteriorating with each passing day.

“The recent statements coming from Azerbaijan about the possibility of using alternative routes for the alleged delivery of humanitarian relief to Artsakh once again demonstrate that Baku is using the blockade as a weapon and a means of exerting pressure on the people of Artsakh. The Azerbaijani authorities exploit the suffering of people and the humanitarian catastrophe they have created in order to achieve their political goals. Such actions and behaviour by Azerbaijan must be strongly rejected by the international community as inhumane.

“In this regard, once again, we strongly urge all concerned states, international organisations and other actors to move from words to action in order to put an end to the international crimes committed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh and its people. We remind that the prevention of genocide is an erga omnes obligation, which requires every State to take active and continuous efforts to prevent the commission of such crimes.

“Ending the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe and human rights crisis in the Republic of Artsakh is a real challenge to the effectiveness of involved international actors. We are convinced that, in accordance with their commitments, they are capable of addressing such evident and egregious violation of international order by Azerbaijan and preventing the crime of genocide. Otherwise, all calls for peace and normalisation will be detached from reality and devoid of any substance and prospect.”

Ara Felekian: