Categories: 2023

Azerbaijani Press: At last, Armenians understand reintegration is only solution

AzerNews, Azerbaijan
Aug 12 2023
Qabil Ashirov

As far as it can be seen, the passion and enthusiasm for Armenian propaganda based on the myth about great Armenia playing out from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea is getting dampened. This sacred myth for Armenians has a claim that as though Armenians are the most civilized and the most ancient nation in the world, and everybody in the world is obliged to fight and die for them. This fetish belief drove them to the extremes of terrorism, genocide and finally invasion. Even fanatically believing in this fabrication, Armenians tried to wrest Garabagh from Azerbaijan.

Taking advantage of the internal turmoils and economic crisis in Azerbaijan, Armenians were able to invade 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories and expelled over 1 million residents from their hometowns 32 years ago. Although it was useless in every visit, Azerbaijan did not take a step back from the negotiations even for a moment. The whole world witnessed the exhausting processes at the negotiating table. Finally, the biggest offer for reintegration – the offer to give Garabagh the highest status – came from Azerbaijan. However, the society, brainwashed with past mythical ideas of the most civilized and ancient nation, rejected this proposal. Even having gone further, David Tonoyan, the former Armenian Defense Minister, solemnly announced a new war, new territories.

Following this motto, Armenia attacked Azerbaijan to snatch new territories in 2020. So, Azerbaijan was obliged to respond with a counterattack.. First, Hayk demanded assistance from other nations and called them to come to Garabagh to fight against Azerbaijan for them. Then they started to beg but nobody came to help them due to their brazen and disgraceful ideology. So, the war resulted in a humiliating defeat for Armenians as a result of which Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan signed the November 10 Statement – the capitulation act. Swift and unexpected defeat fumed the Armenian society and they poured into the streets to hold protests. The meeting continued for several days, but nobody understood to whom they protested. The streets of Yerevan were alive with reproaches directed to all nations in the world for not having come to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the "most civilized and ancient" nation. Russian blogger's interview with an unknown old Hay became a culmination of the protests. The old man was very angry and solemnly claimed that he had made Vladimir Putin the president of Russia by shouting. Ostensibly, he asked a friend of a friend of a friend of Boris Yeltsin, the former president of Russia, to make Putin president after him. Actually, the interview revealed how deeply the Armenian myth influenced the citizens. The old man really believed that Armenians are so a well-esteemed nation in the world that even when Russian state apparatus chooses the president, it takes into account the desire of a Hay living in a remote village in Armenia. He was so sure that Vladimir Putin was not elected by Russians but appointed to the post in accordance with his request. So, he reproached Vladimir Putin for not sending the Russian Army to fight against Azerbaijan.

All surveys conducted by different foreign organizations read that prior to the war in 2020, the majority of Armenians believed that someone will come to save Armenia. But it did not happen. But Armenians did not accept the reality and continued to take advantage of the goodwill demonstrated by Azerbaijan. Despite being the victor, Azerbaijan complied with the commitments of the November 10 Statement. In contrast, Armenians persistently violate their obligation. Even today, they are reluctant to open the Zangazur corridor. Despite being detected, they continued to transfer illegally some weapons into Khankendi. They did all provocations. Smuggling forbidden products to Khankendi and firing at Azerbaijani servicemen were the last straws. Azerbaijan closed the Lachin Border Checkpoint only for security purpose. Hoping that someone will come to save them, they performed a "tragedy named a humanitarian crisis in Garabagh." Through this period, Azerbaijan offered reintegration again and again. Of course, the answer was no.

However, last week, Samvel Babayan, one of the leaders of separatists in Khankendi spoke about opening a common market in Agdam where both Azerbaijanis and Armenians will collaborate initially. Despite he explained his proposal in favor of separatists, many on social media said that it is a hint for integration. As everybody was busy making out the market proposal, Dilara Afandiyeva, the head of the Centre "Women: Peace and Security" operating under the Dilara Aliyeva Azerbaijan Society for Protection of Women's Rights, stated that several Armenians in Garabagh have made calls to the hotline requesting that they wanted to accept Azerbaijani citizenship. She said that Armenians also ask questions about the fate of the people who fought against Azerbaijan in the first and second Garabagh Wars. Besides, they also are interested in getting pensions from Azerbaijan. All this foreshadows the crumbling of the Armenian myth. It reveals that at last Armenians understood that nobody care about them and with such kind of demands they just lose their face. At last, after tasting the the power of the Iron Fist over their heads, they understood that the reintegration is the only solution.

Meline Chalian: