Intellectuals from Turkey unite to break Nagorno-Karabakh blockade and avert potential genocide


YEREVAN, AUGUST 16, ARMENPRESS. Politicians, writers, and human rights advocates from Turkey have united to issue a plea to the global community, urging immediate intervention to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh caused by Azerbaijan's blockade, Gercek News reports.

The heart of the appeal lies in the conviction that waiting for a humanitarian disaster to unfold before acting is unacceptable.

“As the blockade imposed by Azerbaijan on the Lachin corridor enters its eighth month and the once-vibrant region of Nagorno-Karabakh is teetering on the brink of a dire humanitarian crisis, a group of Turkish intellectuals, writers, politicians, and human rights advocates has united to issue a compelling appeal to the global community, urging immediate intervention to alleviate the suffering and prevent a potential catastrophe.

“The relentless blockade, endorsed by the Baku government and bolstered by Ankara's support, has not only isolated the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh but has also instilled concerns of a looming genocide. This grave situation has prompted a group of influential Turkish figures to raise their voices, advocating for international action to halt the blockade and offer a lifeline to the beleaguered residents.

"It is evident that essential supplies are unable to reach Karabakh, and residents are trapped without access to urgent medical care. As the crisis deepens and in confirmation of international concerns, Baku's dictator Ilham Aliyev continues to openly and continuously threaten the people of Karabakh. To such an extent that the former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, published a significant article characterizing Aliyev's actions in Karabakh as genocide,” the statement by the group said and called on all states, international organizations, particularly the United Nations and the International Red Cross, and the international public to take a proactive stance.

Drawing a historical parallel from the World War II, “Just as the Berlin blockade was broken through airlifts in 1948-49, we call for the breaking of the Karabakh blockade through air supply routes, thus putting an end to this humanitarian tragedy," the statement added.

The signatories are:

Abdullah Demirbas, Abdulhakim Das, Adnan Canguder, Adnan Celik, Ahmet Aykac, Ahmet Konuk, Akin Atauz, Akin Birdal, Alev Er, Alex Koskeryan, Ali Gokkaya, Ari Gunter, Asli Erdogan, Attila Tuygan, Ayse Hur, Ayse Yildirim, Aysegul Devecioglu, Baskin Oran, Bayram Kaya, Celal Baslangic, Cengiz Aktar, Cengiz Arin, Denis Dreisbusch, Dogan Ozguden, Emrah Cilasun, Erdal Dogan, Erdogan Kahyaoglu, Eren Keskin, Ergun Babahan, Erol Ercan, Eser Budak, Esra Mungan, Fatime Akalin, Fikret Baskaya, Garo Kaprielyan, Gencay Gursoy, Gungor Senkal, Gurhan Ertur, Hacer Ansal, Hasan Burgucuoglu, Hatice Yildiz, Hidir Celik, Hovsep Hayreni, Huseyin Habip Taskin, Ibrahim Seven, Inan Gedik, Inci Tugsavul, Ira Tzourou, Kemal Bilget, Kemal Hur, Kemal Yalcin, Kenan Yenice, Mahmut Konuk, Mehmet Ali Balta, Nafiz Ozbek, Necati Abay, Nedim Kibar, Nesim Ovadya Izrail, Nesrin Nas, Nevzat Onaran, Nurcan Baysal, Nurten Kirmizigul, Okan Kucukersan, Osman Okkan, Oya Baydar, Omer Faruk Gergerlioglu, Omer Madra, Racho Donef, Ragip Duran, Ragip Zarakolu, Ramazan Gezgin, Recep Marasli, Sait Cetinoglu, Sait Oral, Selahattin Kocak, Selay Ertem, Selma Kociva, Serdar Kocman, Sibel Yigittekin, Saban Iba, Sakir Bilgin, Samil Altan, Sanar Yurdatapan, Sukriye Ercan, Taner Akcam, Ulku Cevik, Viktorya Ciprut, Yalcin Ergundogan, Yasemin Gedik, Yasar Kucukaslan, Yavuz Aydin, Yavuz Baydar, Yetvart Danzikyan, Yildiz Aydin, Yusuf Kose, Zarife Atik, Ziya Ozder.