Sports: Door still open for Armenia to compete at World Shooting Championships in Baku

Aug 15 2023

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  •  Tuesday,

International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) secretary general Willi Grill has told Armenia that "we still have the door open for them to participate" on the eve of the ISSF World Championships here in Baku.

"All of you know we are for the sport, it is our priority, we are not involved in any political or other things and when I found out here there is a problem with Armenia," Grill explained today as the Championships were launched.

The Armenians opted not to attend the ISSF World Championships citing security concerns and tense political relations with Azerbaijan.

"This Organising Committee did everything it was possible to do, there is no exception," Grill insisted.

"Then it went in a direction where they wanted more guarantees, but all of you know, if somebody in the world ask you a guarantee for everything it does not exist."

Tension has existed between Azerbaijan and Armenia for over 35 years with disputes escalating into military action, particularly over the Nagorno Karabakh region.

More recently, there have been border skirmishes since 2021 and the Armenians opted not to attend the ISSF World Championships citing security concerns.

"Nobody can guarantee everything in this world, you can do everything that is possible and this was done here, every possibility to guarantee safety or whatever," Grill explained.

"I have come here so many years, never anything happened to me or anyone of our guests, so of course everybody has to decide by themselves.

"I understand also that the Government they don’t feel well and that is another issue."

Grill today insisted that any Armenian athletes who arrived in Baku would still be allowed to compete even though the deadline for entries had passed.

"We still have the door open, we still have places reserved if someone wants to come, we never say no, even if the deadline is over, we are able to manage that," he added.

"Everybody in the world is here so if Armenian athletes are listening and it is possible to come here to participate, it would be again very very nice to be here altogether."

Organisers say they expect 1,239 shooters from 101 nations to take part.

After a training day following tonight's Opening Ceremony, competition begins at the World Championships on Thursday (August 17) and continues until September 1.