Categories: 2023

Armenia calls Iran special partner for peace

Tehran Times
Aug 16 2023
  1. Politics
– 21:51

TEHRAN – Armenian National Assembly (NA) speaker Alen Simonyan received the newly appointed Iranian ambassador to Yerevan Mehdi Sobhani on Tuesday, congratulating him on assuming the mission and wishing him a fruitful activity, NEWS.am reported.

Also, Simonyan extended his condolences to the families and friends of the casualties of the recent terrorism in the city of Shiraz, Iran, and to the entire Iranian people, stressing that the joint fight against terrorism should be one of the primary goals.

In response, Sobhani noted that terrorism has no nationality and borders, and the basis of the friendship between Armenia and Iran is a strong condemnation of terrorist acts.

The Iranian diplomat added that has great hope that his mission in friendly Armenia will be crowned with success.

Simonyan, in turn, expressed his belief that the ambassador will invest his efforts in deepening friendly relations between the two countries.

The parties discussed the importance of interparliamentary relations, emphasizing the importance of legislative interaction to provide prompt solutions to the arising issues.

Armenian-Iranian friendly parliamentary cooperation was particularly highlighted in the meeting.

The NA speaker noted that Iran has been and still remains a special partner for Armenia, as it contributes—with its balanced policy—to the establishment of peace and strengthening stability in the region.

In addition, Alen Simonyan drew the Iranian ambassador's attention to the ongoing blockade of the Lachin corridor by Azerbaijan and the resultant severe humanitarian crisis in Nagorno-Karabakh, stressing the need to immediately lift this blockade.

The efforts of the Armenian side are aimed at establishing stable peace in the South Caucasus, which will be beneficial for all the peoples of the region, the senior legislator emphasized.

Nyrie Kalashian: