Categories: 2023

[Canada’s FM] Joly’s Armenian diplomacy is nothing but a façade

TFIGlobal News
Aug 25 2023
The Canadian government’s ability to pull the wool over both its citizens and the world’s eyes is unparalleled. And now, a new chapter unfolds in the tale of Armenia-Azerbaijan, where Joly’s actions are again making fools of the world.

Last December, Azerbaijan imposed a blockade, effectively trapping the local Armenian population.

The Red Cross managed to navigate the blockade, and the sick were allowed passage. But in April, Azerbaijan erected a new checkpoint, and in June, guards closed the road entirely after a clash on the Hakari Bridge with Armenian counterparts.

Tension has escalated once again as the horrors of 2020 are on the verge of becoming reality again. Amidst this tension, Azerbaijan took a moment to rebuke Melanie Joly. 

The Azerbaijani foreign ministry accuses Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister of destabilizing the Nagorno-Karabakh region by adopting the term “Artsakh,” favored by Armenian secessionists.

During a recent speech at the Armenian Community Centre of Montreal, Joly referred to the region as Artsakh, vowing to raise the Nagorno-Karabakh situation at forthcoming G20, G7, and United Nations summits.

“The region, especially Armenians, face genuine peril in Artsakh,” Joly asserted, adding that the issue must be addressed at every diplomatic forum available.

Azerbaijan’s ministry spokesman, Aykhan Hajizada, condemned Canada’s stance, stating that such statements hindered peace and stability in the region. “We demand Canada to desist from such provocative gestures and respect Azerbaijan’s sovereignty.”

Amidst these events, Canada’s involvement in the crisis is evident. However, speculations arise that Canada’s support leans toward Armenia, spurred by Joly’s statements. 

But appearances, as often is the case, prove deceiving. The Trudeau government knows how to manipulate narratives, and it won’t be long before Canada’s subtle shift favors Azerbaijan indirectly. How? via Turkey.

Unbeknownst to many, Canada’s interest in South Caucasus security has ties to an ongoing diplomatic struggle with Turkey. Following NATO’s summit in Lithuania, Canadian officials announced their participation in the EU monitoring mission. 

This move coincided with renewed talks with Turkey regarding the export of Canadian defense technology. Canada halted military export permits to Turkey in 2021, alarmed by evidence suggesting Canada-made technology transferred to Azerbaijan was used in the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war. 

Marc Garneau, former Canadian foreign minister, emphasized that this violated Canada’s foreign policy and Turkey’s assurances.

But now, Trudeau wants Canada back into its foray. Canada’s eagerness to reinitiate tech transfers to Turkey is no secret, and its potential implications are concerning. 

The motivation behind Canada’s increased engagement with Armenia might merely be a façade to mask its true intent—negotiations with Turkey, a country that harbors animosity toward Armenians.

These actions by Melanie Joly resemble a Machiavellian scheme, yet they go unnoticed by many. Just to appease Armenia, Canada is ready to make fake promises. However, behind the door, Canada is in deals with Armenia’s arch-rival. Truly, Trudeau knows how to deceive the world.

Aram Torosian: