Categories: 2023

Asbarez: AMAA Artsakh Holds Youth Camp

AMAA Artsakh camp attendees

AMAA Representative in Artsakh

They are trying to eliminate us, but we live and keep others alive…

Life in Artsakh is different. To live here you must be a support for those around you. You must transmit life to others. You must fight and not give up.

Uncertainty, chaos, despair… it seems that spring will never come to your Homeland. It is difficult to work with members of the young generation who live in this chaos and convey to them hope. It is even more difficult to show them one’s share of the mission.

Once again, from August 14 to 18, AMAA’s branch in Artsakh brought together many youth to encourage, give hope and teach them that each of us has something to do to build the Motherland. We must learn to be healthy in mind, heart, soul, and the life we live so that we can pass on the same to others.

The Camp, filled with entertainment, educational and patriotic sessions, separated the children from their everyday worries and the blockade.

We must all learn together by helping and uplifting each other to overcome these challenges and difficulties.

“It is the heroic resistance that will save the Motherland and not pitiful foreign mercy,” said Zaven Khanjian, AMAA Executive Director/CEO. “We firmly stand by your side, with unbreakable will, but we humble ourselves against your heroic struggle. We appreciate, love, join your struggle and bow before you.”

Aram Torosian: