Categories: 2023

Heavy reliance on Russia for security was a mistake: Armenian PM

tvp World
Sept 3 2023
Despite a defense pact and a Russian military base in Armenia, Pashinyan suggested that Moscow does not view his country as pro-Russian enough. “Our security was almost entirely tied to Russia, especially for arms,” Pashinyan stated. However, with Russia embroiled in the Ukrainian conflict, he believes Moscow may fall short in meeting Armenia’s security needs, showcasing the pitfalls of depending solely on one nation.

This sentiment resonates with a growing frustration in Armenia over Russia’s perceived inability to champion Armenian interests. In a direct rebuke, Pashinyan also criticized Russian peacekeepers in Nagorno-Karabakh, accusing them of not fulfilling their duties.

Hinting at a possible shift in Armenia’s foreign policy, Pashinyan mentioned establishing closer ties with the European Union, the United States, and other regional powers, signaling a diversification of Armenia’s security partnerships.

While Moscow, having mediated between Yerevan and Baku in the past, remained silent on Pashinyan’s statements, it has previously defended its global actions and refuted claims of neglecting foreign allies due to the Ukraine situation.

Nagorno-Karabakh, largely populated by ethnic Armenians but internationally recognised as part of Azerbaijan, saw significant conflict in 2020 until a Russian-brokered ceasefire.
Jane Topchian: