IALA and AGBU host Break the Silence: A Reading for Artsakh

The International Armenian Literary Alliance, in partnership with AGBU, presents “Break the Silence,” a reading hosted by Pulitzer Prize winner Peter Balakian. The reading will feature besieged journalists from the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh and award-winning writers in solidarity around the globe, including poet Ilya Kaminsky, named by the BBC as one of the 12 artists who changed the world.

Join the virtual event on September 17, 2023 at 9 a.m. Pacific | 12 noon Eastern | 8 p.m. Armenia/Artsakh time to hear about what life is like for the 120,000 Armenians of Artsakh who have been cut off from food, medicine, gas and electricity since Azerbaijan blockaded the only road out of the country in December 2022, and learn how you can help.

Registration for the event is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event. The full lineup of speakers will soon be announced on IALA’s event page.

The International Armenian Literary Alliance is a nonprofit organization launched in 2021 that supports and celebrates writers by fostering the development and distribution of Armenian literature in the English language. A network of Armenian writers and their champions, IALA gives Armenian writers a voice in the literary world through creative, professional, and scholarly advocacy.