Categories: 2023

Asbarez: UN to Send Mission to Nagorno-Karabakh ‘Over the Weekend’

Children are among the displaced Artsakh residents left for Armenia

The United Nations will send a mission to Nagorno-Karabakh for the first time in about 30 years, scrambling to address humanitarian needs after Azerbaijan attacked Artsakh last week triggering a mass exodus, a spokesman has said.

“The government of Azerbaijan and the UN have agreed on a mission to the region. The mission will take place over the weekend,” spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters on Friday.

The announcement came on the heels of a request by Armenia to the International Court of Justice to order Azerbaijan to withdraw all its troops from civilian establishments in Nagorno-Karabakh so that the UN have safe access, the court said on Friday.

The ICJ, in February ordered Azerbaijan to ensure free movement through the Lachin corridor to and from Artsakh.

In a request for provisional measures submitted on Thursday, Armenia asked the court to reaffirm the orders it gave Azerbaijan in February and to order it to refrain from all actions directly or indirectly aimed at displacing the remaining Armenians from Artsakh.

Some international experts have said the exodus of from Artsakh meets the conditions for the war crime of “deportation or forcible transfer,” or even a crime against humanity.

“We haven’t had access to there about 30 years,” said Dujarric, due to the “very complicated and delicate geopolitical situation.”

“So, it’s very important that we will be able to get in,” he continued, adding that the mission would do so by air from Azerbaijan.

A team of about a dozen people led by the UN’s humanitarian affairs department will assess the needs of people who have remained in the territory and those who are on the move, he added.

“And of course, it bears reminding of the need for everyone to respect international law and especially international human rights law,” he said.

Ara Felekian: