Categories: 2023

Sports: UEFA drops disciplinary case against HNS for Armenia-Croatia match

Croatia Week
Sept 29 2023
  • by croatiaweek

ZAGREB, – The UEFA Disciplinary Commission has made a decision to close the disciplinary proceedings against the Croatian Football Federation (HNS) regarding the behavior of fans during the European Qualifications match between Armenia and Croatia.

Following the match in Yerevan, disciplinary proceedings were initiated against the HNS based on the delegate’s report regarding the behaviour of fans.

After a comprehensive response from the Croatian Football Federation, the UEFA Disciplinary Commission, during its meeting held on September 28, has closed the disciplinary proceedings.

“We are naturally pleased with the decision of the UEFA Disciplinary Commission because we believe that through our detailed response, we have demonstrated that the Croatian Football Federation is not responsible for the disturbances at the stadium in Yerevan, and there is no evidence of Croatian fans being involved in these disturbances. I would like to thank our legal team for preparing an excellent response and our security department for thoroughly preparing the match and providing crucial evidence during this process,” stated Marijan Kustić, the President of the HNS told the federation’s website.

The Croatian Football Federation is still awaiting the decision of the Disciplinary Commission regarding the Croatia vs. Latvia match played in Rijeka, for which the HNS was reported for racism and discrimination.


Hambik Zargarian: