Rain doesn’t stop the R.I. community from marching for Artsakh

(Photo: GVK Images)

PROVIDENCE, R.I.—On Friday, September 29, 100 Armenians marched in the pouring cold rain to raise awareness of the ethnic cleansing happening in Artsakh. Beginning at the Armenian Historical Association of Rhode Island (AHARI), the group walked through the Brown University neighborhood and ended at the Avon Cinema, just in time for the viewing of the film Amerikatsi

Organized by the Providence “Kristapor” Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) and sister organizations, the Homenetmen scouts led the way as honor guard. Local news coverage was provided by Kim Kalunian of WPRI channel 12.

“We are here today to let everyone know that 120,000 indigenous Armenians are being ethnically cleansed by Azerbaijan,” said chairman of the Providence ARF Hrag Arakelian.

While a sunny day would likely have attracted a larger crowd, those who attended were encouraged to see the community express support for Artsakh in spite of the cold rainy weather. Many parents brought their children, and some even brought their babies in strollers. Those who marched felt that getting wet in the rain was nothing compared to what the Armenians of Artsakh have endured, from a nearly 10-month blockade to being forced from their homes.

Now, there is a massive refugee crisis in Armenia where 100,000 Armenians of Artsakh have fled without a home or long-term plan. Armenia needs the diaspora to help in three ways:

  1. Advocate our elected officials to speak up about the atrocities, such as Senator Jack Reed did a few days ago in Washington.
  1. Donate to the Armenian Relief Society, a reputable organization that has been providing humanitarian assistance to the Armenian people for more than 100 years.
  1. Increase awareness by telling your friends, family members, and colleagues about what is happening to Armenians.