Armenia Fund Announces Plans to Assist Displaced Artsakh Armenians after Allocating $5 Million

A caravan of vehicles on the road from Artsakh to Armenia (Photo by David Ghahramanyan for Reuters)

Armenia Fund USA announced that it will $5 million toward assistance to Artsakh Armenians who have been displaced following Azerbaijan’s large-scale deadly attack on Artsakh last month.

“In light of the situation in Artsakh, the Armenia Fund Board of Directors has dedicated $5 million to help our displaced brothers and sisters, effective immediately,” Armenia Fund board chairperson Maria Mehranian said in a statement.

Armenia Fund then launched the “Artsakh Refugee Initiative: Restoring Hope Together,” which according to the organization will continue to provide short-term essentials, such as food, clothing and supplies to refugees, while also working to address mid and long-term goals for those settling in Armenia under immense stress.

With an active team on the ground in Armenia, the project will help to meet the urgent needs of the more than 100,000 displaced Artsakh Armenians at this critical time.

In addition to providing immediate assistance, the project will also arrange permanent housing and provide educational, medical and mental health resources to individuals, families and children.

In the long run, the program will also provide to the displaced Artsakh Armenians to find gainful employment.  

Visit the Armenia Fund website for more information, including progress and updates, and to make donations.