Categories: 2023

UNICEF in Armenia creates safe spaces for children from Karabakh

UN News
Oct 5 2023
5 October 2023


Volume 50%


In one week, more than 100,000 people arrived in Armenia from Karabakh, including around 30,000 children. The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) is among humanitarian agencies mobilized to help the refugees.

UNICEF Representative in Armenia Christine Weigand said children arrive there very tired, hungry and in a state of shock. Their immediate needs are very much linked to health issues. 

Speaking to UN News’s Anton Uspensky, she explained that in the long run, assistance will be provided to support children’s integration into the educational system. They will also receive psychological support to help them overcome the shock and trauma.

Audio Credit


Anton Uspensky, UN News


Photo Credit


© UNHCR/Karen Minasyan
Mike Maghakian: