Categories: 2023

Azerbaijan may invade Armenia soon, lawmakers told

Oct 14 2023

Post-Soviet countries Azerbaijan and Armenia have fought several conflicts over the Nagorno-Karabakh region in recent decades, but the last, in 2020, ended with Azerbaijani forces finally overrunning the disputed territory and pushing out its Armenian population. Now, reports Politico, it is anticipated that Azerbaijan will invade Armenia itself to create a land corridor to one of its own ethnic enclaves there.

Azerbaijiani President Ilham Aliyev has previously called on Armenia to open a "corridor" along its southern border, linking mainland Azerbaijan to an exclave that borders Turkey and Iran. Aliyev has threatened to solve the issue "by force."

In an Oct. 3 phone call, lawmakers pressed Blinken on possible measures against Aliyev in response to his country's invasion of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in September, the people said, who were granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive call.

Blinken responded that the State Department was looking at avenues to hold Azerbaijan accountable and isn't planning to renew a long-standing waiver that allows the U.S. to provide military assistance to Baku. He added that State saw a possibility that Azerbaijan would invade southern Armenia in the coming weeks.

Below, a post from Azerbaijan's president outlining his plan for Armenia: slavery.

Britain better get used to hosting Eurovision contests won by countries that can't be expected to run the event next year.


Rose Khoyetsian: