Film: Armenian Haunting (2018) Reviews and free to watch on YouTube

Movies and Mania
Oct 19 2023

‘Denial is a hundred-year-old curse.’
Armenian Haunting is a 2018 horror film about a journalist who turns into an unwilling ghost hunter while researching the sudden deaths in her family and their connection to a paranormal mystery…

Written, produced and directed by Art Arutyunyan (director of Alpha Delta Zatan; producer of Dead by ChristmasBayou Ghost StoryReel Nightmare).

The Reel Nightmare Films production stars Vaneh Assadourian, Paul Mariskanish and Aneela Qureshi.

“The paranormal elements are brief and show up on just a handful of occasions, and elements like recorded footage getting glitches on it seemed pointless and unrelated to the haunting aspect, in general, the pacing all seemed a bit off. While it was interesting to find out a genocide of the Armenian people occurred, as a horror this just didn’t work.” 4 out of 10, The Rotting Zombie

“As events play out the genocide looms larger, given that the curse stems back to a perceived betrayal that occurred in its wake, but it’s difficult to remain engaged in the proceedings, even as they accrue real-life import, simply because a series of poorly-realized scenes (especially a couple of the purportedly “scary” ones) are so unintentionally comical that they literally take you out of the flow of events and turn your attention to shortcomings in the production’s execution.” Trash Film Guru

Armenian Haunting is available to Prime Video subscribers in the US, UK and Germany.

Cast and characters:
Vaneh Assadourian … Maro
Jay Dersahagian … David
Kyle Patrick Darling … Garo
Chris Green … Eva
Tamara Grigorian … Grandma/Tatik
Andrew DeVitre … Sevan
Aneela Qureshi …Aida
Paul Mariskanish … Arsen
Mona Arkin … Clara
Teneisha Campbell … Doctor Freedman
Carly Alyssa Thorne … Lena
Aida Arutyunyan … Ms Grigorian
Kevin Antonio … Skateboarder

$30,000 (estimated)

Technical specs:
1 hour 18 minutes
Aspect ratio: 1.78: 1

Watch the trailer at