Categories: 2023

Global Maritime India Summit 2023: Armenia expresses readiness to promote South Asia- Europe economic exchanges


YEREVAN, OCTOBER 19, ARMENPRESS. Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures Gnel Sanosyan participated in the Global Maritime India Summit 2023 in Mumbai. He delivered a speech during a roundtable discussion as part of the event.

Sanosyan said that as a landlocked country, with the borders from the East and West in land blockade since the last three decades, Armenia is a staunch advocate of promoting inclusive and equitable regional and cross-border connectivity.

Below is the transcript of Minister Sanosyan’s speech.

“It is my great honor to participate and lead the delegation of Armenia at the Global Maritime Summit, organized by the Indian Government. This event indicates both the growing role of India in regional and global connectivity and the importance of discussing and outlining the options we can develop for our cooperation, economies and welfare.

“Historically, Armenia has always been at the crossroads connecting the North to the South and the West to the East, with all the political, economic and cultural features arising from this. Today as well, based on its geographical location, Armenia is ready to serve as a connecting hub for such interactions.

“As a landlocked country with the borders from the East and West in land blockade since the last three decades, Armenia is a staunch advocate of promoting inclusive and equitable regional and cross-border connectivity.

“In this regard, we are confident that the road network of Armenia holds a serious potential to contribute to this end. The Armenian government channels efforts towards reviving and modernizing the relevant infrastructures of the country by implementing the North-South Road Corridor Investment Program, which will upgrade Armenia’s capacities and enable it to fully participate in the International North–South Transport Corridor and other connectivity related initiatives.

“The Project is implemented by multi-tranche financing. It is subdivided into Tranches and separate loan agreements are signed in the framework of each Tranche. We invite Indian companies and banks to consider involvement in these investment projects.

“The implementation of the North-South Road Corridor Investment Program, in terms of capacity building, will enable Armenia to fully participate in the International North–South Transport Corridor. The construction of this highly important strategic road will ensure easier traffic from the Southern border of Armenia to the Georgian border and up to Black Sea ports and will allow more passenger and cargo transportation in accordance with international standards.

“During the last few years, the reconstruction of roads and necessary infrastructure in Armenia through state budgetary means have increased considerably. Only in 2021, at the expense of the state budget, the construction highways with a total length of about 388 km were carried out, whilst the same works were carried out for over 530 km of roads in 2022.

“Within the framework of the construction and development of new border infrastructures, in August of 2022 the 160-meter "Armenian-Georgian Friendship Bridge" was opened in the area of the Bagratashen-Sadakhlo border crossing between Armenia and Georgia, allowing doubling the transit capacity at the border. The Meghri checkpoint at the Armenia-Iran border will be modernized – worth 18.4 million Euros – with the support of the European Union and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development- construction works will be completed in 2026, as a result of which it is planned to have a modern checkpoint.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

“The disruption of global supply chains triggered by the COVID–19 pandemic, accompanied by armed conflicts in several parts of the world and other challenges and complexities in the present-day international politics, as well as the increasing volume of cargo passing through the Suez Canal has brought up the necessity for states to look for alternative transport routes to conduct trade and other economic activities. Thus, nowadays, combining multiple communication projects in order to augment the economic benefits of each is crucial.

“Armenia is very much interested in advancing dialogue and cooperation within the framework of the International North South Transport Corridor project, the Chabahar port development project, as well as the Persian Gulf – Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor that can be successfully incorporated into the INSTC. In these initiatives great importance is attached to the development of the Chabahar Port Project, where Armenia has explicitly expressed its interest in getting involved. Moreover, we have established an inter-agency working group that will engage in direct discussions with partners on Armenia’s involvement in the Chabahar Port Project.

“India’s increasing trade with European and Asian countries, its involvement in the development of the Chabahar port fits well into the logic of creating a viable alternative route to Europe. The Persian Gulf-Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor can serve as an alternative route connecting Asia with Europe, that can boost connectivity and trade among the participating sides, by connecting India, through the Bandar Abbas and Chabahar ports in Iran, to Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and further. India's potential and prospective role in these projects is quite significant and once India is on board the Persian Gulf – Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor, it can make use of an economically more beneficial and competitive 2-week route to both Russia and Europe. The successful implementation of cooperation in bringing the Persian Gulf-Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor to life can prompt other partners in Asia to as well link to the project.

“Moreover, with Iran having a Free Trade Zone agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and India negotiating a similar instrument, Armenia, as a member of the EAEU can serve as a direct bridge between India, Iran and the bloc, to which end the Persian Gulf–Black Sea International Transport and Transit Corridor creates an additional impetus for further enhancing trade and connectivity.

“Honorable Guests,

“Armenia, following its historical legacy, today as well can successfully promote the economic exchanges between South Asia and Europe. With this, realizing the crucial importance of the opening of all trade and transport communications in South Caucasus, Armenia has engaged constructively in dialogue and discussions, with the aim of ensuring prosperity and stability in the region, and introduced a new concept of the “Armenian Crossroads”, prompted by the discussions on the opening of communications in the South Caucasus, which in turn has a huge potential of  bringing about a serious change in international logistic chains, and restoring the region’s significance in terms of international cargo transportation.

“Armenia is interested in the unblocking of regional economic and transport connections with full respect for state sovereignty, territorial integrity and principles of equality and reciprocity and stands ready to implement this as soon as possible to boost international and regional passenger and cargo transportation, which will in turn further ensure security and stability in the region.

“Taking this opportunity, I would like to announce that the Government of Armenia together with United Nations Office of the High Representative for Least Developed States, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) intends to organize a high-level thematic event to the Third Conference on the LLDCs. Invitations to all LLDCs, some transit countries and international partners will be sent out shortly, following the finalization of the detailed programme.

“In conclusion, let me reiterate that Armenia remains fully committed to work with all partners to jointly shape the way for more enhanced cooperation and coordination between international partners and other stakeholders to make meaningful progress on promotion of better regional and global connectivity. Thank you.”

Raffi Khondkarian: