Categories: 2023

Another New War? Azerbaijan’s Heroes: Soldiers who behead Armenians – Analysis

Protothema, Greece
Nov 7 2023

After Azerbaijan besieged & starved 120,000 Armenians in Artsakh for nine months they bombed their communities – Will the US finally hold the government of Azerbaijan to account?

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on October 13 that in the coming weeks, Azerbaijan could invade Armenia. Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev has threatened Armenia with war multiple times.

Meanwhile, pro-Erdogan media outlets in Turkey are also playing their war drums against Armenians. The headline news in the pro-Erdogan newspaper Türkiye on October 3 refers to Armenians in Armenia’s Syunik (Zangezur) province as “snakes”, “gangs” and “terrorists”. One headline reads: “The new nest of the snake is Zangezur”. It claims that the Armenians displaced from Artsakh (also known as Nagorno-Karabakh) are receiving military training in “terror camps in Zangezur”.

When the Turkish media uses such words, its intent is to prepare the public for an upcoming war against an “enemy”.

See Also:

It’s not just the F-16s, Turkey shouldn’t get any weapons – Analysis

On November 1, the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention issued a Red Flag Alert “due to the alarming potential for an invasion of Armenia by Azerbaijan in the coming days and weeks”.

The US government also knows that the next step for Azerbaijan and Turkey is to attack the Republic of Armenia.

Continue here: Gatestone Institute

Maral Takmazian: