Categories: 2023

Ukraine ambassador to Azerbaijan makes another anti-Armenian statement

News.am, Armenia
Nov 8 2023

Vladyslav Kanevskyi, the Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan, has made another anti-Armenian statement.

This Ukrainian "diplomat" issued congratulations on Azerbaijan’s "Victory Day" in a post on Facebook, and praised the Azerbaijani people and authorities.

Among other things, Kanevskyi wrote as follows: "At that time, Ukrainians, standing shoulder to shoulder with Azerbaijanis, defeated the enemy, and today ethnic Azerbaijanis defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine on the battlefield."

The quote is presented as written, and it appears to suggest that "Once upon a time, Ukrainians stood shoulder to shoulder with Azerbaijanis and defeated the enemy, and today, ethnic Azerbaijanis defend Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity on the battlefield."

Although this "enemy" is not directly mentioned in the post, it is obvious that it is about the Armenians—taking into account the date of the congratulation.

But this is not the first time when the ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan indulges in anti-Armenian demarches. Last year, the Ukrainian embassy in Baku published an entire video praising Azerbaijan's aggression against Armenians.

On the Ukrainian ambassador's Facebook page, there is also a statement by the Ukrainian community on Tuesday, with congratulations and joy in connection with the Azerbaijani occupation of Shushi, Hadrut, and all other settlements of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Arbi Tashjian: