Categories: 2023

AEWC issues statement on the displaced population of Artsakh

Participants of the Armenian Evangelical World Council meeting: first row (l-r) Rev. Albert Paytyan, Rev. Dr. Haoutune Selimian, Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, Dr. Nazareth Darakjian, Mr. Zaven Khanjian and Rev. Joel Mikaelian; second row (l-r) Rev. Calvin Sagherian, Rev Hendrik Shanazarian, Rev. Dr. Rene Leonian and Rev. Hovhaness Hovsepyan

The Executive Committee meeting of the Armenian Evangelical World Council (AEWC) was held at the Calvary Armenian Congregational Church in San Francisco, CA, on October 19-20, 2023.

Representatives of the seven member unions and organizations participated in the two-day meeting. 

Following the written and oral reports, the Executive Committee, among other matters, discussed the issue of the displaced population of Artsakh and issued the following statement:

In the aftermath of the surrender of the Republic of Artsakh to a massive assault by Azerbaijan, the Armenian Evangelical World Council (AEWC) reaffirms its unwavering commitment to stand in solidarity with its compatriots in Artsakh.

Undoubtedly, the armed takeover of Artsakh stands as a stark reminder of the world’s inaction during the 1915-23 Armenian Genocide.

While our hearts and minds are heavy due to the loss of life and land, and the mass exodus of Armenians from their thirty-century old homeland, we empathize with them wholeheartedly. We stand together to assist our displaced fellow compatriots, who have suffered more than enough in the past nine months and are yearning for the restoration of normal life.

We will not sit idle as we have work to do. A God given assignment to attend to. We have a few commitments to reiterate and convictions to share.

  • We bow in unison to the memory of all martyrs who sacrificed their lives in defense of the homeland.
  • Despite a treacherous journey, we thank God for the safety of our Artsakh kin in reaching the friendly soil of the motherland.
  • We welcome them with open arms and hearts.
  • We listen to them in humility.
  • We tend to meet and provide their needs with understanding, love and compassion.
  • We uplift and help them restore their dignity.
  • We pray for them with faith and inject hope.
  • We stand by the democratically elected institutions in the Republic of Armenia and support the will of the people.
  • We deplore the unspeakable silence and indifference of the international community.
  • We deplore the unlawful and immoral detention of the Artsakh leadership in Baku and hail their service, sacrifice and struggle demonstrated while on duty.

We will continue our struggle for the release of all political prisoners as well as POWs who were captured during the past few years.

We lament the mournful demise of the shameful conscience of the United Nations and its Security Council.

We denounce the miserable atmosphere of hate, violence and oppression in God’s miracle creation of Earth.

  • We stand by the Republic of Armenia and continue to support its efforts to develop the homeland and cultivate the spiritual growth and physical and economic development of its people.
  • We expect all Armenians to recognize the gravity of the Artsakh tragedy, and with a sense of urgency to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters.
  • We extend a brotherly hand, in the most loving Christian spirit to coordinate and cooperate in unity and comradery with all organizations in the service of the forcefully displaced kin.
  • We call on all entities and political forces in Armenia who embrace the interest of the homeland to work in a spirit of unity and harmony.
  • We anchor our faith in the spilled blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and perpetually aim to bring glory to God.

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian
Executive Directive, Armenian Evangelical World Council

Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian is the Executive Director of the Armenian Evangelical World Council.

Hovik Karapetian: