High quality, accessible, and trusted healthcare services shall be available for all children of Armenia – Zaven Koloyan


YEREVAN, DECEMBER 11, ARMENPRESS. Exactly a year ago, Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital opened in Yerevan at 10/7 Hrachya Nersisyan Street. With 220 beds’ capacity, accredited with the highest (third) level by the Armenian Ministry of Health, this facility has fostered a culture of delivering comprehensive, accessible, and top-tier healthcare services.

In honor of its inaugural milestone, we spoke with Dr. Zaven Koloyan, the CEO of Wigmore Women’s and Children’s Hospital.

The interview is presented below:

Zaven,  what was the journey from the opening of Wigmore Clinic in 2017 to the establishment of the new stand-alone hospital?

-Reflecting on the past years, I wouldn't be mistaken to note that the journey was remarkably smooth. Surprising as it may sound, it is true, and the reason are the people who believed in the vision, shared Wigmore's values and walked this journey together with me. Establishing a multi-profile hospital together with such a team that aligns with your vision, shares the same principles, and values the culture of open and systemic management, has made the journey inspiring and easy.

 -How was the concept of a hospital specializing in women’s and children’s healthcare born? Was it driven by market demand, the prevailing era, or perhaps a personal or professional dream?

-I wouldn’t define as merely a ''dream'' something that simply requires concentration, consistent work, and proper resource management. The establishment of Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital was, indeed, influenced by both market demand and the prevailing times. Until now, our State has shaped all the essential systems and institutions necessary for its functionality. I believe we've now reached a developmental stage where emphasis on quality holds significant importance.

Strengthening one's position in the market today relies heavily on offering quality and providing high-quality services, a principle not confined to the healthcare domain alone.

 -Reflecting on the hospital's first anniversary, what accomplishments or milestones do you find most noteworthy?

-It is a pride to witness a strong team of individuals who share a common vision. Their dedication and disciplined efforts demonstrate every day the feasibility of delivering high-quality and advanced medical care and services within our country.

 -Wigmore's mission to establish an international benchmark in pediatric care in Armenia is a frequently discussed topic. What does this mission entail, and how do you put it into practice?  

-Our mission is to develop high quality and evidence-based medical care within our homeland that aligns with the international standards of medical and hospital care, with an emphasis on accessibility for all children. In this regard within the first year of operation, we forged six significant international partnerships with leading healthcare institutions abroad. These collaborations focus on continuous education and sharing of expertise among the medical staff. All the while, in the framework of State Order all our hospitalized and emergency medical services are accessible to any family in Armenia free of charge.

 -Recently Wigmore signed a significant and distinctive partnership in healthcare. Could you please shed more light on this collaboration? How did it happen, and what role might it play in shaping the broader pediatric field and the expertise within Wigmore?

-Over the past year, we have initiated multiple collaborations with esteemed medical institutions in the West and the USA, all aimed at bringing new, valuable knowledge and expertise to Armenia.

On 2 November, a pivotal Memorandum of Understanding was signed with a leading pediatric hospital in the USA – Valley Children's Healthcare, aiming to elevate the quality of pediatric healthcare in our country.

This stands as a unique milestone for the Armenian pediatric healthcare, encompassing ongoing learning and exchange of experiences among doctors, improving nursing education, and the implementation of international standards for quality assurance and patient safety in hospital management in Armenia.

 -Wigmore Hospital for Children was re-branded into Wigmore Women's and Children's Hospital in September 2023, now featuring a comprehensive women's health unit. It is also known that there are plans to broaden the scope of services, including the launch of a maternity hospital. Could you please provide more details on the services that will be offered?

-In many developed countries worldwide, the integration of women's and children's health is perceived as one, a continuum of services: healthy woman, healthy child, and a healthy society at large. This is our vision for Armenia too. In the near future, we will launch our maternity ward and introduce services for IVF (in-vitro fertilization).

 -Despite being a relatively young hospital, Wigmore has already established relations with a community of patients and their families who opt for your services. We assume you may have some interesting stories about them to share.

-Throughout this year, we've welcomed close to 72,000 patients, each with their own unique narrative. However, our objective isn't merely to accumulate these stories, but rather to ensure that every individual's experience at Wigmore becomes a positive one for both, the patient and their family. Hospitals should no longer be associated with fear, uncertainty, and mistrust… With our work and family-centered approach, we're actively reshaping those perceptions.

 -You’ve already implemented a lot of educational programs in Yerevan and the regions of Armenia, and you also pay special attention to the component of corporate social responsibility. Tell us about it.

-We strongly believe that positive, sustainable development requires a systemic and comprehensive approach hence our firm emphasis on designing and implementing educational programs, targeting medical workers in Yerevan and across the regions of Armenia.

 Undoubtedly, education stands as a fundamental pillar in the advancement of the healthcare sector. Positive changes emerge through continuous education, fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing, and developing the system.

Throughout this year, our educational endeavors have borne fruit. Twenty-one specialists from the Wigmore team had the invaluable opportunity to exchange expertise and undertake observership in renowned hospitals across Europe and the United States. Jointly with the Educational and social programs unit at Wigmore, our doctors have visited all of the regions in Armenia, delivering courses, accredited by the National Institute of Health, to 662 doctors, 826 primary care nurses, 482 nurses from kindergartens and schools, and 121 educators. During these regional visits, our specialists also offered complimentary consultations to 985 young patients in need of medical attention.

-As Wigmore’s CEO, what are the core values and principles that guide your decision making?

I prioritize equality above all. As a leader, equality stands out for me as a foundational value. At Wigmore, all employees are entitled to equal and dignified rights, and every patient receives impartial, equal and utmost medical attention, irrespective of any external attempts of ''influence''.