Categories: 2023

Greece, Cyprus and Armenia sign tripartite military cooperation plan for 2024

Dec 20 2023
The joint Greece-Cyprus-Armenia action plan for 2024 was signed on December 18 in Yerevan by the Head of the International Organisations Section of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff (GEETHA), Brigadier General Vasileios Tsamis, the Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Cyprus National Guard General Staff, Colonel Alkiviadis Alkiviadis, and the head of the Department of Defence Policy and International Cooperation of Armenia’s Ministry of Defence, Levon Ayvazyan.

As announced today by GEETHA, the 2024 plan is a continuation of the 2023 plan, is part of the Greece-Cyprus-Armenia Tripartite Military Dialogue, and includes, among other actions:

● Staff participation in operational training exercises and activities.

● Joint training of Special Forces – Special Operations Forces.

● Carrying out co-training using simulators.

● The exchange of experiences and lessons learned from the use of Air Defence Systems and Unmanned Combat Aircraft, and more generally on items related to Air Defence.

● Co-training on Management and Leadership subjects.

● Staff meetings and conversations on matters of mutual interest.

With the signing of the plan for 2024, the statement added, the already close military cooperation between the Armed Forces of the three countries is further deepened in the context of their defence coordination, and the joint effort to address common challenges is strengthened to strengthen peace of security and stability in the Caucasus and Eastern Mediterranean region.

John Hovhannisian: