Categories: 2023

No Prosecutions Following Pashinian’s Accusations in Armenian Land Seizure

HongKong – Dec 21 2023

By: Momen Zellmi

In a tense turn of events, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian’s allegations against officials, accusing their negligence for Azerbaijan’s seizure of agricultural lands from an Armenian border village last spring, have so far led to no prosecutions. The incident transpired as Azerbaijani forces concluded a redeployment in the Lachin district on March 30, creeping up to 300 meters into Armenian territory at five border locations near the village of Tegh.

This encroachment resulted in the loss of land that sparked escalated tensions, culminating in a skirmish on April 11. The confrontation led to a tragic outcome with at least seven soldiers losing their lives from both sides. In response to these events, Pashinian dismissed the commander of Armenia’s Border Guard Troops, Colonel Arman Maralchian, and criticized unnamed officials for not adhering to his instructions.

(Read Also: Tragic Loss of Azerbaijani Soldier Stirs Military Concerns Amidst Border Tensions)

This triggered an investigation for possible negligence by military officers. Yet, the Prosecutor-General’s Office has not charged anyone, and the investigation continues to unravel the truth. The opposition, however, squarely places the blame on Pashinian for the territorial losses. They accuse him of failing to fortify Armenia’s military post the 2020 war in Karabakh.

(Read Also: Explosive Device Found and Defused in Azerbaijani School)

Pashinian rebuts these allegations, attributing the country’s security challenges to the policies of previous administrations. As the investigation continues, the nation waits for the truth to surface and justice to be served.


Lena Karagyozian: