Categories: 2023

Order to Dissolve Artsakh Government Must be Nullified, Says Former Official

Artsakh's former State Minister Artak Beglaryan

The presidential decree signed in September ordering the dissolution of the Artsakh government should be nullified, said Artsakh’s former State Minister and Human Rights Defender Artak Beglaryan in an interview published on Thursday.

“Everything is very clear, there is even no need for discussion; the [presidential] decree on dissolving the Republic of Artsakh just needs to be cancelled. Beglaryan told news.am in an interview.

After Azerbaijan’s large-scale attack on Artsakh on September 19, Artsakh President Samvel Shahramanyan on September 28 signed a decree calling for the dissolution of Artsakh’s government institutions by January 1. The decree prompted the forced displacement of more than 100,000 Armenians from Artsakh, essentially leaving the area empty.

The September 28 decree does not have any legal ramifications because it is unconstitutional,” declared Beglaryan. “The [Artsakh] president has no authority to dissolve the republic. Secondly, it was signed under the threat of violence [by Azerbaijan], which was confirmed by both the president and the National Assembly.”

Beglayan said that the nullification is possible through another “presidential decree” or a decision by the Artsakh Supreme Court. He said this matter should be done without delay and without “dependence on other actors.”

“It is preferable that it happens before January 1 [when the decree comes into force],” Beglaryan said, adding that the decree has no legal significance and is merely “political.”

“It is necessary to show political will and give that clear message that we [Artsakh] will continue to function after January 1. Even if it [the decree] is not nullified, it doesn’t change anything; the state bodies of Artsakh continue to function,” explained Beglaryan.

Meline Chalian: