Categories: 2024

Azerbaijani Lawmakers Threaten Sanctions Against France

French Senate, in a vote of 336 to 1, calls for sanctions on Azerbaijan

Reacting to the French Senate’s almost unanimous passage of a resolution calling for sanctions against Azerbaijan, a committee within the Azerbaijani parliament called for cutting off all economic ties with Paris.

In a statement adopted in response to the French resolution, which also supports the territorial integrity of Armenia, the Azerbaijani parliament’s international relations committee recommended sanctions against France.

It also goes a step further to call for freezing “any assets of French officials,” “to expel all French companies from the country, including Total,” and “to prevent French companies from participating in any projects carried out on behalf of the Azerbaijani state.”

The committee’s statement called the French Senate resolution “biased, one-sided and unfounded.”

In a vote of 336 to 1, the French Senate on Thursday adopted a resolution supporting Armenia and demanding sanctions against Azerbaijan.

The resolution condemned the military attack carried out by Azerbaijan with the support of its allies on September 19 and 20, 2023 against Nagorno-Karabakh and calls on Azerbaijan to guarantee the right of the Armenian population to return to Nagorno-Karabakh by providing conditions that will ensure their safety and well-being.

The French lawmakers also called for the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Azerbaijani troops from the sovereign territory of Armenia and condemned the arbitrary arrests of political leaders of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The French Senate urged the government to seize the assets of Azerbaijani leaders and embargo gas and oil imports from Azerbaijan.

Arpi Talalian: