Turkish Press Criticizes Bryza For Anti-Turkish Tendencies

By Hakob Chakrian

AZG Armenian Daily

The wedding ceremony of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair Matthew Bryza
and Zeyno Baran took place in Istanbul, on August 23.

Some of the Armenian newspapers and TVs raised a clamor for that
marriage regarding Zeyno Baran as Turkish and Matthew Bryza as –

In response to it, on August 27, "Zaman" daily published an article
titled "Armenians worry at Bryza’s marriage".

It is worth to mention that Turkish media does not regard M. Bryza
as Turkish-centric and reminds about the March 1, 2003 sitting of
the Mejlis, where USA’s demand to allocate its armed forces in the
territory of Turkey was rejected. In response to it, Bryza made a
suggestion about the strict punishment for Turkey.

What about Zeyno Baran, she was born on January 31, 1972. Her father
was the reporter Ahmed Uran Baran.

After the death of her father, her mother Fyusun Muthlu married the
chief editor of "Vatan" daily Zafar Muthlu.

After graduating from the Austrian Girls’ College in Istanbul in 1991
she continued her education at Stanford University (USA) and graduated
from the University as a specialist of international relations.

She worked in the World Bank (Washington) from 1996.

>From 2003, Baran directed the International Security and Energy
Programs at the Nixon Center.

She is the Head of the Turkish Department at Hudson Institute from

Recently we have written about the probable origin of Zeyno Baran:
she is Kurd by origin, but not Turkish, though some Turkish central
newspapers regard her as Turkish. On the other hand, the nationalist
press of Turkey mentions, "Baran is one of those, who prefer to live
in Washington, but to have a Turkish name".

In spite of the above-mentioned, the antiulusul.com regards Zeyno as
Alevi by origin, taking into consideration the fact that her father
was an Alevi by origin.

Moreover, the Kurdish Vellatparez website mentions that Baran is a
Kurd from Dersim (Tungalin).

Apparently, her mother Fyusu Muthlu is a Jew by origin, and that is
why the turkishamericanjournal.com regards Zeyno as "shabathian",
which means an apostate Jew.

In addition to it, the haber7.com underlines, "Like our Foreign
Ministry, the US Department of State is also under the hegemony of
the Jews by origin. Bryza is also a Jew. It’s evident that Zeyno
Baran is an apostate Jew, as it’s forbidden for a Jewish man to marry
a non-Jew".

By the way, the Turkish press spoke about Zeyno Baran with these
kind of titles: "The trouble maker for Turkey Baran married", "The
conspiratorial plans of the traitors", etc.

Meanwhile, the Confederation of the Public Workers’ Trade Unions
brought an action against Zeyno Baran taking into account the organized
measure at Hudson Institute on June 13, where they discussed two
scenarios of terrors in Istanbul (50 people were to die according to
the plan of Zeyno). In response to those terrors, Turkey could invade
North Iraq.

Moreover, in the "Newsweek" Zeyno Baran had predicted a revolution
by the armed forces of Turkey and fall of the Erdogan’s government
in 2007.

The Turkish press had strictly criticized Zeyno Baran for those
predictions. Consequently, we cannot regard Zeyno Baran as