NKR celebrates Republic Day

NKR celebrates Republic Day

01.09.2007 13:25

"Dear Compatriots,

I congratulate you on the 16th anniversary of the independence of the

Today is a holiday of pride, self-reliance and unity. Sometimes more is
done at a certain point of history than during long decades. Golden
chapters are being written in the history of Armenia based on the fact
of creation, defense and development of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

The young republic of Nagorno-Karabakh is taking well-advised steps on
the way to statehood building, democratic development and economic
strengthening. The Republic of Armenia has always been and will
henceforth be the guarantor of development for the NKR and security for
the people of Artsakh.

Today we bend our heads before the memory of those Armenians whose
dedication and self-sacrifice gave birth to this holiday. I am
confident that an independent, prosperous and internationally
recognized Nagorno-Karabakh will be the best tribute to their memory.

I congratulate you once again on this nice holiday and express
conviction that your unfailing aspiration to living in freedom and
democracy will defy any challenges whatsoever.