ANKARA: Rectors: "Kurdish Institute will be founded if wanted"

Sabah, Turkey
Sept 2 2007

Rectors: "Kurdish Institute will be founded if wanted"

Rectors responded the words of Halaçoðlu: "Kurdology Institutes
should be established in universities."

Professor Yamaç: "I do not hold any prejudices about this issue. If
there is a demand from our history professors, I will think about

Universities have a warm attitude for Kurdology Institute

Referring to Kurdology and Armenian institutes, ÝTÜ Rector Karadoðan
said: "it is useful"; Yamaç said: "I will consider if there is any

The chairman of Turkish History Institute Yusuf Halaçoðlu said that
there are 80 universities in Turkey and it is necessary to establish
a Kurdology Institute and an Armenian Researches Institute in these
universities. Rectors said they do not hold any prejudices about
establishing such institutes and carrying out studies in this field.

Professor of Gazi University, Kadri Yamaç said: "I do not hold any
prejudices about this issue. It is not my field of specialty so I
have to speak to history professors. If there is a demand from our
history professors, I will think about it."