Tigran Torosyan: NK international recognition is a matter of time

Tigran Torosyan: Nagorno Karbakh’s international recognition is a
matter of time

2007-09-02 10:24:00

ArmInfo. The Speaker of the Armenian National Assembly Tigran Torosyan
congratulated the residents of Nagorno Karabakh Republic on the 16th
anniversary of the Republic’s independence.

The NA Speaker’s felicitation, received by ArmInfo, says that 16 years
are not a long time for history, but for a state, having gone through
the furnace of war and having stood the tests of peacetime, it is an
important development stage, at which the will and ability for
independence and dignified life of Karabakh’s people became undeniable.
The fact of existence of the second Armenian state is undisputable and
the march of history is non- reversible. Day by day Nagorno Karabakh
gets more and more powerful, free and democratic a country, the
international recognition of which is a matter of time.

"I congratulate Nagorno Karabakh on the 16th anniversary of
independence, and pay my tribute to the memory of the fallen in the
war-the soldier-liberators, being sure that today their work has its
worthy imitators in the name of their homeland’s and the world’s
security", the Speaker’s message says.